This would speed up runs slightly since it will occasionally buy the Eighth Dimension needed for the next Prestige, instead of having to wait for another OoM of Antimatter just to buy 10 of them (where 9 is unnecessary); a large timeloss. At this point, you will increase the multipliers so fast that your Dimensions are doubling every second anyway. This lowers time you need to wait for glyphs to appear but requires you to react/disable automator faster. With ~level 500 any rarity of those glyphs you will reach e14 in mere minutes. You CAN automate it, but it needs to be done individually since it depends on your glyph power entirely. Your next step would be to complete EC10: EC10x1 (EP: 1e101, 857TT | Goal: 1e3000 IP): This is a matter of patience in trying to build up the Infinitied stat.Use AD/Active path or AD/Idle if you really want. You can also buy the 7.81e10 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 3x -> 2x' and the 5e10 IP dimension cost multiplier -> 8x upgrade, as the reality update made those upgrades a lot cheaper. Remember the challenges? Now it's time to wait for the better glyphs. (30-60 second on decent glyph is enough) If you do however get something with over 80% - make sure to spend a bit longer since it will take LOADS of levels to beat this value on lower rarity. Once you have 1e8 IP, do not buy anything yet. EC11x4 (EP: at least 1e1000, TT: 9,000-10,000 (or more) | Goal: 1e1100 IP): This requires more patience with the Idle path, but you will eventually reach the goal. If you put off doing this challenge until now, you now have the Tickspeed Autobuyer and can now automate infinities. Ideally you want to have 1 time glyph with EP, 1 power glyph, 1 dilation glyph and 1 replicanti glyph. ), This might cause you to automatically get other challenge related achievements such as "you did this again just for the achievement right" and "this is fine.". I got 1/6 of this and 2/6 of Antistellar with this step. Fifth Dimension Autobuyer (C5): Pretty much just a slower game with no special tactics. (you should disable this field for unlimited galaxies after the start of the next section, unless specified otherwise). Everything not mentioned is mostly small QoL/minor speedups which suit more for when you have automator. For EC6, you are forced to take the active path due to the challenge's location in the tree, and you should also take the ID path. Do a cycle of: Record reality time > Glyph Grind > Record reality time(if you couldn't reach 5 seconds before) > RM farm. First Dimensions produce antimatter (the currency you use to buy Dimensions), Second Dimensions produce First Dimensions, Third Dimensions produce Second Dimensions, and so on, up to the Eighth Dimension. Took me only a minute with this setup and yielded ~e2.1 antimatter, resulting in almost e14 sacrifice multi. The reason why you do long runs is because you have now unlocked 4 infinity dimensions, and these increase the polynomial growth a lot (with 4 infinity dimensions it is now N^232! You should be able to do YB 2/6 now, if you are close then lower the goal with perks. Black hole should be done the moment you have all the 'unlocked' row 2 upgrades and saved up enough for it. Your browser is not supported. After you have these two upgrades, set your autobuyers up like this: Now buy the 3.12e9 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 5x -> 4x' and then, when you have enough IP, buy the 1.56e10 IP tickspeed cost multiplier upgrade 'Tickspeed cost multiplier increase 4x -> 3x'. Pair it with blackhole trick, I got to ~2e22 teresa. Effarig(only game speed matters), Time(only game speed matters). While you might be thinking it takes a lot of RM - reality is that you can now quickly farm 1m eternity and A LOT of banked infinities in very little time, so getting 15+ in this reality is easy. Reality 4+ should take under a day. : TS62 and TS213 should be bought. If you want to keep doing progress, import this build in Time Studies tab: (At this point, you should have a time studies setup like this), 11,21,31,41,51,22,32,42,33,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,123,133,143,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,211,212,213,214,201,72,82,92,102,222,224,226,228,232,234|0. You're done with Challenges (for now), and can upgrade all necessary Autobuyers. Starting with the first dimension, you must progress to other dimensions using antimatter. Unique snowflakes: Most likely not possible right now, but will be more possible later. This gives a reward of TDs being multiplied by the number of Time Studies you have. Priority goes on cheapest upgrades and always having 1+ of your usual run worth in the teresa pour approx. Do this after buying everything costing up to 1 Billion IP. Alright, in challenge 8 get to 5 Dimensional Boosts to unlock the prized feature (Dimensional Sacrifice). Game speed - a passive upgrade to essentially every build, not always the best option though. it's just bigger numbers, and new more expensive IP upgrades to get". 11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,191,193,212,223,232,213,226,214,211|0 (3912 TT), 11,21,22,31,32,33,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,191,193,211,214,212,223,227,232,234|0 (4212 TT), 11,21,22,33,32,31,41,42,51,61,62,73,83,93,103,111,121,131,141,151,161,162,171,181,191,192,193,201,72,82,92,102,211,212,214,223,232,213|0 is OP for production but requires ~e450 EP. Once you do, immediately buy a 2nd Galaxy. You will see small boosts to your IP/min production for doing this, but not forever, because the superexponential cost increases for dimensions post-infinity mean that, for example, you won't need to bulk buy more than 64x eighth dimensions for a VERY long time. You need 308 for 1 EP, 349 for 2, 426 for 3, 481 for 4, 524 for 5 and so on. With the build above you don't need to do much beyond checking game from time to time to upgrade your stuff. First of all - rarity is increasingly important the higher it is. Keep in mind that Autobuyers have a major downgrade while offline, so make sure you are active as much as possible. What I noticed that affected this time was having to select BOTH restart script toggle and automatically start script(top left row two pre last buttons) otherwise time would be, If you want time approximation - I got from 1e4 I had from get go(1/10th of the way) to 1e5 in ~6 hours. Start the challenge and hold 6 and 7 on your numpad. Required glyph set is 2 power/3 time. No longer works as of the reality update, however it now unlocks at 1e90 IP, saving a lot of time. That's why we also lowered the requirement for this achievement from 630 to 569 Antimatter Galaxies.". Dimensional Sacrifices are unlocked at 5 Dimensional Boosts, increasing the Eighth Dimension's multiplier while sacrificing all the others' generated amounts. Does NOT sacrifice stuff you pick manually, no need to worry about that. Easy strategy: Sacrifice at a set amount that is at least double. You will have to wait long for 1e100 IP, which is over an hour, and without doing anything. Do a mini RM run now with 121,131,221,226 as extra space theorems. The IP multiplier dilation upgrade will push you to e2100 EP very quickly. While the usual cycle is a tiny bit faster - it doesn't improve anything important and doesn't win much time while being activity intensive. The other main thing about this section is that this is where you focus on most of the Infinity Challenges, and also the rewards you get for some of them are OP and help you a lot. It may be just easier to disable your crunch autobuyer after 5e11 IP, because your IP will be increasing significantly and you will keep being able to get more and more, which requires updating the crunch autobuyer if it's on, which may be unnecessary to do right now. Once you have another 1e7 IP, buy Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run. At this point, you should begin to get a lot of Time Theorems. More difficult versions of EC4 require more infinities grinding, which will take more time to unlock the challenge. RESPEC YOUR TIME STUDIES. Now, the game has reached the speed of the long run era. 5. In particular what seems to matter the most is jump between 'tier' of glyph itself. Next, 2nd question: What am I looking for now that I've found my peak IP/min? If you want, you can skip this challenge until it's trivial. Buying the first 2 levels of this is very quick. But as you will notice - something is likely giving much more value. EP count speeds up early part of the reality while eternity count boosts glyph levels more.. up to you. Too complex to bother with IMO. Eternities are the new Infinity (Possible at about 1e18 EP w/ infinity dimensions and active path) - Should eventually be trivial, either you can get them through autobuy, click on big crunch a few times, etc. But what this automator is usually for is fast reality farm. Fourth Dimension Autobuyer (C4): You can do this one normally with no special strategy. Immediately enter RA reality to reach level 2 of Teresa use a combo of: You literally have to do nothing - just idle, make sure your autoreality/eternity/crunch are off. Go to Options > Visual > Animation and disable the animation for at least reality(I would honestly disable them all). (There is actually a strategy I found that is possible to get the IC5 achievement right after 1e140 IP, as shown below: 1. Now you earn IPs 10% as fast as you can earn IPs by playing actively! Wait a while for each new TD and eventually you will reach the endgame (now reality). 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. More than 1e300 EP, around at least 3,000 to 4,000 TT, and at least 1,012,680 eternities (if you want to grind for them, but is recommended that you at least have a decent amount of eternities). (you will need to change up the setups a little). Don't forget you need to use active build for more galaxies! Last 2 row 3 upgrades are something you will only get in automator section. Otherwise, you might want to do EC11 completions first. For this one - prepare blackhole with time build ~30 seconds is good enough. Due to dilated time being a currency produced by a constant source, which upgrades you spend your dilated time on first isn't a massive deal, but buy those upgrades whenever you get access to them, and I'd recommend buying the galaxy threshold multiplier decrease last for the sake of speed, so that you do not waste any dilated time and any possible dilated time upgrade. Tickspeed Autobuyer: Starts at a 0.5-second interval, and also has a Priority dropdown. Again. Both are top tier depending on playstyle. Spend them on the left (21) path. At this point you want to switch your runs to only 'one' blackhole at the end of your run. This is probably designed to let you chill after how active the previous Cel were. With your upcoming IP, get the upgrade Increase the multiplier for buying 10 dimensions 2x 2.2x for 1 IP, then go down the rest of the second column to get Antimatter Galaxies are twice as effective. All glyphs want to be 4 effect and 90%+ rarity at this point to be counted as 'something'. By the way, continue to upgrade bulk buy amounts for your autobuyers as they get cheap (can afford them with <1min of production). (TS171 is useful in this challenge, after e60 EP time dimensions path will become very powerful. You should be able to reach up to e71-72 RM upgrades in no time at all, a HUGE boost. By now repli x4 + effarig should be easy to farm out and overal good. 4 galaxy runs: Automatic Dimboosts set to 0/10, Automatic Galaxies set to 4, Automatic Big Crunch set to how much you make in 0.5-1.5 seconds after you hit 4 Galaxies. Doing this Challenge fulfills the. However, on PC, the game window must be open while doing this. This should put Power up all dimensions based on slowest challenge run around at least 15000x. Yep, achieves are meh for now but become best stat later. The reward, however, is similar to Time Study 143. Before you reality make sure you do the 'Yo dawg' achievement'(143) - disable autobuy/remove the time studies and buy 1 AD1 for the first eternity to minimize it then slowly improve those as you require bigger and bigger eternity. Like feasting on a behind - Using Time Study 181, you must disable all autobuyers and macros used to buy dimensions, and don't press M (max all) at all. Your first priority is to improve your glyph farm build itself - any rarity with correct stats is a good start. Give yourself a pat on the back because now we're about to go to the most fun part of the game for a while, Challenges. Separated from glyph instability. If you are struggling to get challenge times down try turning on Automatically Retry Challenges in Options. Wasn't too sure where to put it before - but you can easily get College Dropout achievement with dilation glyph which gives TT passively/hour by simply disabling the autobuy of TT. Set your crunch autobuyer to an appropriate amount x last crunch. While it doesn't increase the cost of the next Antimatter Galaxy, it still resets you to the start of a Galaxy. Many of these Modifications add new content, but some change the game's difficulty and pace of progression. Which you should already have gotten before, but mentioning just in case. You must spend the 1st EP on the First Time Dimension in order to buy Time Theorems with EP, as this was an issue in the earlier versions of the game. Once you reach this point, the game will get a little faster (it will eventually get to the speed of the initial inflation era). Obviously, in incremental games, you will always eventually get what you want, but there are fast and slow ways. You will lose all previous progress (except achievements and statistics, that includes challenge times) in exchange for eternity points (1 EP if you eternitied with 1.79e308 IP), which increases with more IP. At this point, there will be a long grind to get 5e11 IP for the upgrade of Makes galaxies 50% stronger, which will skyrocket IP profits when you get it. 5) To progress meaningfully you need to pair EC6 with basic C10 which will result in the best EP farm. This will get you the achievement "You're a mistake", which doesn't really do anything, but just for completing row 11. Teresa Rechallenge - wants RM build + effarig which has 4 non RM/Glyph effects, antimatter exponent being one of them is a must. While you are waiting on this - I recommend looking at effarig reality strategy and setting up the glyphs filtering via 'specified effect' tab for glyphs with those effects. Antimatter exponent being one of them is a good start by the number of theorems. From time to unlock the prized feature ( Dimensional sacrifice ) will reach in. Levels of this is probably designed to let you chill after how active the previous Cel.... Glyph with EP, 1 power glyph, 1 power glyph, 1 power glyph, 1 power,. And 7 on your numpad row 3 upgrades are something you will notice - something is likely much... Time Study 143 + rarity at this point to be counted as 'something ' a reward of being. Priority goes on cheapest upgrades and always having 1+ of your usual run worth in the best option though with. 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