Week in the hospital with IV antibiotics and drains (after a few days on NG tube and Foley no fun), then recuperating at home for a month on a restricted diet. their church planting efforts out of McLean. By loving them we glorify God because God is love. Every eight years the denomination "requires it". So, a bit of a frustrating afternoon/evening trying to instal jUnit on the Mac. What about the way New Testament leaders and teachers apparently worked to provide their own physical sustenance, so they would not be burdensome on the believers, oh, say, tent-making, for example? Perhaps it could be in a negative senseIOW, everything this man said to do, do the opposite. We are in a church in which the pastors do show love and humility. Check it out on our blog as well as http://fbcjaxwatchdog.blogspot.com. Thats better left to the students he and Piper appeal to at their annual Cross Conference. only 1 church in my town would let me hold a musical recital at their facility. i could care less about your career. http://anglicanmainstream.org/leaving-the-denomination/. Spy But they can never cover all of life, and if the manual was so complete, then we would not have the freedom to go and do. More trucks and drivers, better on-line delivery and inventory control systems all make for increased efficiencies. Ive never seen this in scripture. Many of the long standing members were so messed up that when they tried to attend other churches, (when SGM stuff hit the fan) pastors of non-Calvinist churches began telling them that they were so messed up that these pastors could not possibly help them or their families. My own mother has preached in the pulpit a time or two, or three. One guy is not so indispensable and amazing that we need a video feed of him; it can be done by a real person in the location. One is an outgrowth of the other. Theres even a well known chicken barbecue company. All due respect, Okrapod, these arent scriptural requirements for an elder. Spy I have been hearing from a few folks. I dont believe there is invested (maybe you meant vested?) He may well love all but he has said that not all survive the judgment. I appreciate so much the need for discernment and advocating for victims, but I dont see any crimes here, just a lot of fault finding where there really doesnt seem to be any fault. He has written several books, including Something Needs to Change and Radical. Yes, but Platt played the deep sense of calling (from God) card. I asked if anyone had any word on new and promising upcoming middle of the road candidates for the next election because I did not have time right now to research them myself. These Neo-Cal guys act like they have answers for everything; they are the new wave, the latest and greatest. Personal study is critical, and if a pastor can get the flock to let their fingers do the walking, then he has done a great service. If no one has the guts to challenge this false ninja TULIP gospel change agent, and the one who was stupid enough to bring him on board, then McLean Bible Church will quietly descend into Calvinist authoritarian tyrannical darkness, its members none the wiser. Its totally untenable but yet I have seen so many in high positions double dip or even have businesses on the side that enrich them even more. In other words, I am thinking that different people have different needs, and some folks cannot deal with chaos and want rules and procedures and organization and having somebody in charge. Im sure the new name for the SBC has already been determined because Southern and Baptist and Convention is not going to work. He is the author of the New Yo They care about as much about the Bible as they do about the truth, about justice, about the Fruits of the Spirit, about Jesus, and about those who have been made in His image. If it is only value-added, the world will view us as self-interested and just another organization of created things bent in upon itself. Platt tries to have it both ways. He wants to affirm the Bibles commands and then wants to finesse allowing people into the church who vote for policies that God prohibits. Then, Platt reveals his key concernsome people might get their feelings hurt. They will be far better off knowing the Son of God. A church in my area was hosting some type of Coffee House service very late on Friday nights. Nonprofits are one of my fields of research. Many today are flocking to leadership seminars in order to learn how to fish from successful fishermen sociological pragmatism, pop psychology, new models of ministry, and ad nausea. Whenever I feel ashamed to be a Southern Baptist because of the reputation and antics of these snake oil salesmen, I have to remind myself that they are clearly NOT Southern Baptiststhey have only ridden on the coat tails of the SBC to seize fame and fortune. Yes, if nothing else I wonder how much of a burden these self-acclaimed superman leaders put on the rest of us who cannot seem to do as much as they do. 7). One thing that does often seem to be missing in men and women these days is Godly wisdom. But have you ever noticed the way he kind of empasizes the c sound. These graduates then serve the Church. There is something missing here. Were Dones. It is the body of Christ. My advice to everyone is to stop giving them money. ishy wrote: so, having a pastor think for me is very easy.. For what its worth, I preach somewhere around 10 Sundays a year doing pulpit supply around my area. (Cars, housing, funding for private schooling for his children, etc.). Not a people person, very opinionated despite his humble exterior. In what respects? I hope not. I hate all this back room deception and gaming. Or just not on Sunday morning. You both nailed it to the wall! Surgeon was able to do a one-step resection without a colostomy. They must have gone in in laparoscopically. He will have no administrative or pastoral duties other than simply preaching on Sunday. One can have a missions agency and not be a church. @ ZechZav: But some people now say that if only we would forget church buildings and just meet in individual homes then that (and apparently only that) would be biblical. This year Ive been watching 5 churches that broadcast their worship live on Sundays. Or insipid video series made by the pastors wife/youth group/whatever? I was fed by the sermons that Lon Solomon preached during the past year that I attended MBC. Headless Unicorn Guy wrote: But were also jaded when it comes to the typical format of church. A lot of replies sound speculative . (1) McLean Bible Church, https://www.mcleanbible.org. The pastor at a church we attend is going to get a three month sabbatical in Jan. Not only, but Sunday morning worship service public proclamation is the churchs most visible act. Every church needs an actual pastor who actually is physically present and actually knows and cares for his people. Even during a famine, the lowly, needy, hungry lepers find bread in another camp (1 Kings 7:9) the presence of their enemies, and proclaim the Good News that will end the famine. I think the title of pastor has lost its meaning. I did join it after attending for a year and then left after four months. What does this mean? I wish I was left to be a layperson. This feeding of the flock is via the Word of God and given out with a piece of oneself. God will make you into His image in the tent of meeting. He is extremely casual in his attire and can come across *not put together. My husband said something that has stuck with me the past few months. My wife and I are part of McLean Bible Church and we were thrilled that David approached us and volunteered his time to bring us Gods Word. So disheartening. Personally collecting and sending funds from one local body of believers to a non-local body of believers who were in need? Many dont. With the IMB and the NAMB and 9Marks and ERLC there, it sure looks like there will be political consolidation in D.C. of what used to be known as the SBC. Problem is Jesus shepherded in another fashion and ran off when people wanted him to be a celebrity. I was shocked when I saw a Facebook post about MBC being affiliated with the Southern Baptists. We all dry each others tears. 40:8. I have mentioned the FIEC network in the UK and they are selling themselves out to the Go$$$pel Coalition. a person who herds, tends, and guards sheep. He left a very happy, happy manno persecution there! I am certainly not saying that my job is equivalent to giving a sermon at church but I do have to lead the meeting, I have to ask the right questions and ferret out information that people may be unwilling to give (but we tell them up front, this is not a fault-finding exercise). I mean, they were so mad I have no doubt theyre trying to find me. No liberal lefty here, in fact, not really political at all, but as someone who is a full bore Christian, has published in the field of taxation and done research into nonprofit organizations, I think its high time we close the loophole as well for any 501(c)(3) that does not truly function as a charitable nonprofit organization.God wrote: Given my personal state, thats not exactly comforting! It is the body of Christ -Rachelle. But a shepherd of people he is not. 4). He has bigger things to do. I explain I cant do funerals, visits, phone calls, or meetings. I offer this link to Lon Solomons 2017 letter to the congregation where he announces stepping down as senior and teaching pastor. I am not convinced the humility David Platt exhibits is real, considering his celebrity status and the lack of persecution from the world. I believe he is fitting in quite nicely with the harlot institutional church, using the Name of our LORD for his own personal glory. Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments and what were his commandments if not both love God and neighbor and also go ye into all the world . I dont know what triggered you to interpret have to have a man from my text. With Mac Brunson you see tweets about Lambert and Mohler and trivializing the impact of Irma on the community while whining about the minor ways it inconvenienced him personally. But they brought back many well-researched case studies of people who were. Yes mission is important but it is the means, not the end. It was never my preferred choice, though. Open Discussion Page. A 15th century religious darkness is descending upon McLean Bible Church? Churches have nothing to fear from me! Nonprofits are one of my fields of research. And when it goes badly we want to blame the clergy for not being Jesus to us. @ okrapod: And thats okay too. I briefly attended McLean Bible Church, pastored by Lon Solomon, back in the mid-1980s. @ Sopwith: And like I said, making the pulpit and the weekly sermon the center of our spiritual lives seems odd to me. You can read between the lines Im sure and see how the David Platt thing fits into all of this. Church Discipline At least theyre coming to understand that, whilst its relatively simple to join something, belonging is more complex. He needs a vacation, so do I from LIFE. He will be the preaching pastor at McLean. I dont understand why they want to borrow celebrities. Sadly yes the FIEC has become the beachhead for T4G/TGC and the 9Marxist groups. And he doesnt mispronounce! He paid it lip service in the introduction, but did not believe it as a sign of health. Birds of a feather stick together, I guess that is why Platt has no problem appearing on the conference circuit with C.J. To slightly turn the phrase, may your non-tribe increase. Some things never change. This book by Shannon Harris is scheduled to be released in August, about one year later than initially planned. Trustees also will evaluate McLeans level of partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention. My guess is that they are going to start monkeying around with what is being taught. To shepherd is literally to feed. Also, the church scattered (during the week) is where much evangelism and service takes place, because they have just been fed on Gods great love. I disagree. They say they study and write sermons for 20-25 hours a week. I try to use gender inclusive language, but I dont bend over backwards. As all were replaced their titles changed with the word pastor not minister. Cant leave much time for family. Oh yeah-thats the guy who shows us how not to be crazy busy-now *pastor* of a lg church and seminary professor. For those across the pond, ConAggerback is word play on ConAgra and Saddleback Church, and General Willow Mills is play on General Mills and Willow Creek. I think I now have the answer. Jesus refereed to shepherds and called Himself a shepherd a number of times. Platt is clearly NOT a pastor. Please remember the Bible directly implies: All men will die in their sins unless they are converted, so when the Bible talks about the new birth(2), it is very, very important. Or is FIEC the T4G/TGC/9Marks beachhead in the kingdom? I want to know when did my husband or me get a vacation from life. But seeing it in the best light, the person to whom you spoke was just ignorant and ill-informed, not malicious. We do need bread from heaven we live by the Word of God; it should come from the pulpit, but God can use anyone to bring forth a word, anywhere. When I emailed him asking to clarify if he believed working moms are disobeying Gods call, he forwarded my letter to an assistant to respond and I never really got a clear reply. The church there is made of people like us; its not free of difficulties or personalities. Not screaming like his passengers. Theyre a kind of corporate lone ranger Christian (as the saying goes), having abandoned assembling together with anyone else locally, albeit trying to find some kind of belonging somewhere. The lure of preaching reminds me a great deal of Solomons adulterous woman in Proverbs 7, luring a simple youth to his destruction. It is like they think they are crossing some sort of line if they drop their guard and form genuine relationships. Took me six months before my stamina came back and over a year before my gut felt normal again. Its the most important part of the Baptist church, in the eyes of many. @ Hope: I just listened to a YRR pup give a 45 minute tearful sermon on the huge sacrifice he is making to leave the church he ruined after 5 years to be a teaching pastor in a mega. Find a pastor who will do your funeral and not punt it to the third tier pastoral staff. God can work with plan A, plan B, plan C, etc. Its also tricky if there is something messy with IMB and NAMB that is as yet undisclosed. Being paid an honorarium for each sermon is not a salary so one wonders if this is all spin. Some people like to disparage any desire for a pastor to be more than a talking head as hand holding and I do not do that either. No longer do we judge anyone who looks as haggled as we do, thinking they are just too lazy to even get properly dressed. The things she happened upon sent her down rabbit trails while she was researching Du Bai (sp?) But it has come at the cost of ministry (unto the LORD, tent of meeting). Is this confirmed that he is doing it for free? Example: did the church meet in individual homes? Shouldnt we all be spending time with Christ, studying? Naturally, then, they must compete against other bloggers for market-share. When I went to the CBE conference in Florida recently, we had communion and the person serving me communion said Julie Anne, this is the Body of Christ. Now, of course, it wasnt as special as Bills because this woman didnt know me except from the weekend, but I noticed how personal it felt. He Didnt Love Being a Police Officer. And the buzz word missional has taken over their thought process. Worship is the response to a revelation of Who God is. hows your son doing, bridget? This discussion so far has focused on ministry unto the flock, but Leviticus is full of ministry unto the LORD. I wrote the following a few years ago: No thing compares to knowing Him. Apparently this post is getting a lot of play out there. Smyth started preaching at CLC on January 8, 2017. Yes, but Platt played the deep sense of calling (from God) card which translated into plain English means I have a better job offer and this is your notice. They cannot fire him and they cannot say God did not call him, either because Unspiritual. Warning: Calvins ICR is not the true gospel of Jesus Christ, but a clever vicious lie smothering the life out of the Christian believer who seeks to embrace this incessant smoldering darkness. He didnt know our names in a 4000 member church. But he is not a pastor at McLean. MBC needs to pray for discernment and examine Davids teachings. I was furious but also too new to the church and too scared to call him out on it. Are people these days accustomed to this style of church where theyre just a number and only there to listen to someone completely detached from their lives speak to them for 45 minutes or so? Thats all it is. A Methodist pediatrician I used to work with when we both worked for the Feds once said that (local SBC mega) was better organized than Reynolds Tobacco. Frauds, mountebanks, and carnival barkers, thats all they are. my view is that Though I am partway through a lunchtime bottle of ale. Catching a celebrity pastor is the latest craze amongst growing churches with money an whoe leadership is seeking prestige. 20-25 hours might involve something like translating the passage out of the original language, maybe? This should not be confused with ministry. And I do not want that. He became pastor-teacher at McLean Bible Church in 2017. I expect your educated guess is as good as mine, but ISTM you spend 20-25 hours preparing a sermon if youve not much else to do. Jesus said 3x, Feed my sheep. They are His sheep. 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