Prioritized project lists have been approved that plan the use of all authorized funds, with 57 specific efforts identified that span O&M sustainment of U.S.-funded facilities in the essential service areas of electricity, health care, transportation, communication, water, and sanitation. Continued the Training of Trainers program in Baghdads ministries as well as in the provinces of Northern and Southern Iraq. The Infrastructure Security Protection (ISP) program ($227 million in ESF funding) plans and executes programs to provide security for infrastructure related to oil, water, and electricity. To date, the fund has completed 367 individual, family, and community projects, with 213 more being implemented. In addition to supporting many of the activities funded under the Development Assistance account, ESF funds meet near- and long-term political, economic, development, and security needs. This includes strengthening local health responses and provision of emergency relief items to vulnerable families. Conducted in collaboration with the Northwest Area Foundation, LINC, and Colorado State . Continued support for a network of more than 100 Community Mental Health Workers (CMHWs) in ten governorates to provide basic mental health services through the Iraqi primary health care system. )7 (!IAA%544H3Jt@+q 6TCY =b8[ac urx &@:)*80@Z Completed a training series for the Womens Empowerment Program, creating a forum in which women from diverse geographic, ethnic, and religious backgrounds can meet to share information, build relationships with one another, and build their capacities as effective civic organization workers and independent activists. The adviser will draft a Scope of Work for a follow-on implementation project building on previous efforts and additional needs expressed by stakeholders. Response and Policy Options recent hearings. The next step of identifying universities and processing candidates is underway. The Workforce Training and Economic Development (WTED) Fund was established in 2003 as part of the Grow Iowa Values Fund. TTY 711. Organized the Ministry of Plannings first nationwide conference on Iraqs Provincial Development Strategies (PDS). Helped local councils in northern Babil, an area once plagued by violence, conduct their first public meetings since the overthrow of the previous regime. While artists and the arts are often overlooked in community development strategies, they can be a vital economic catalyst, particularly in Native American communities, a report from the First Peoples Fund and ArtSpace finds. People-to-People Partnership for Peace Fund 2346e to 2346i. Supported capacity building activities for the Ministry of Displacement and Migration. The Secretary of State created the Office of Foreign Assistance in 2006 to improve strategic coordination of and oversight over all foreign assistance funding . By continuing to use this website or clicking on the OK, I agree button, you accept our policy on use of cookies in our, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment, Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, Promotes democracy and human rights programs, which are integral to sustainable development and lasting peace, 821 million people go to bed hungry every night, U.S. Development and Humanitarian Agencies, Interconnection of Development Assistance and Economic Support Fund, Adaptation, Clean Energy, & Sustainable Landscapes, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB & Malaria, International Fund for Agricultural Development, McGovern-Dole International Food for Education, Labor, Health, & Human Services Appropriations, CDC Emerging & Zoonotic Infectious Diseases. A forum was provided to discuss lessons learned from Iraqs transitional electoral cycle of 2005. U.S. Government Implementing Agencies: USAID and Department of States Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL), USAIDs Iraq Rapid Assistance Program (Civil Society Component), USAIDs Iraq Community-Based Conflict Mitigation Program (ICCM), Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. They support developing countries efforts to achieve economic and political self-determination and realize individual rights. In addition to Request for $60.4 billion in annual discretionary appropriations, the Budget includes $6.5 billion in mandatory funding for State and USAID over five years to make transformative investments in pandemic and other biological threat preparedness globally in support of U.S. biodefense and pandemic preparedness strategies and plans. Beginning in FY 2018, the President's Budget eliminated several accounts including - ESF; DA; Democracy Fund; the Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia; and International Organizations and Programs - and consolidated those activities in . The draft operational plan has been finalized, and communication among IHEC divisions and between IHEC and the field have been improved. The analysis revealed a high level of fluidity in Iraqi politics wherein parties are turning more to negotiation rather than relying on violent elimination of opponents. Budget Request. Economics has become the indispensable foreign policy tool of our time. Completed the planting of 3,000 acres, half in Anbar province and half in Diyala province, with new high-yield varieties of wheat and barley. O&M Sustainment ($285 million in ESF funds) will assist Iraqis in sustaining U.S. investments in essential service infrastructure by providing in-plant services (such as combustion inspections and hot gas path inspections) and consumables and spare parts at major electricity power plants, water and wastewater plants, and select health, transportation, and communication facilities. The FY 2009 request for the Economic Support Fund (ESF) will support programs in Restrictive and Rebuilding countries, as identified in the Foreign Assistance Framework (available at . Criminal Justice Development and Rule of Law International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement Funds (INCLE). Completed projects included: The $1.1 million Bayji Villages Electrical Network in the. The Embassy expects to award approximately $24,480,000 to 16 awardees in this second round and to issue a third call for proposals in early May. The Global Food Security and COVID-19 Crises: U.S. Trained in Jordan 73 representatives of 11 political parties on internal party operations, platform development, internal and external communications, and review of the objectives of a political party. JANUARY 10, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Auditor Kiepke called the first meeting of 2023 of the Davison County Board of Commissioners to order at 9:00 a.m. Members of the Board present were . These funds support a combination of minefield and battle area clearance operations and explosive ordnance disposal; small arms/light weapons destruction missions by the Iraq Mine/Unexploded Ordnance Clearance Organization (IMCO) and the Mines Advisory Group (MAG); and the completion of the Iraq Landmine Impact Survey in a second phase to take place in the five remaining governorates of Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Ninawa and Salah ad Din. Programs in the area of policy, legal and regulatory reform ($88.2 million in ESF funds) are on-going. Conducted six separate trainings in Basra for seven political parties on party communications with emphasis on message development, message communication, public speaking, and negotiation. U.S. Government Implementing Agency: Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), c. Refugee Assistance Migration and Refugee Assistance (MRA), Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance (ERMA), and International Disaster and Famine Assistance (IDFA) Funds. Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund. Conducted four workshops for 120 participants from provincial councils and civic organizations from Basrah, Amara, Nassriya, and Samawa on challenges and opportunities for women members of provincial councils. The GOI has committed to re-licensing all relevant software to confirm Iraqs ownership; restarting the server and instructing all spending units to resume data entry; and confirming that the IFMIS is Iraqs official financial system and that the MoF is responsible for connecting final spending units. With $35.9 million in FY 2021 Development Assistance (DA), Economic Support Fund (ESF), and Global Health Programs-USAID funds for South America, including in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, USAID will promote the social and economic integration of the millions of Venezuelan migrants through policy reform, pathways for legal status . Diplomatic Security Annual Appropriations, FY2019 . Programs protect and promote the rights of people with disabilities living in developing countries. Adults without children in the home, seniors and people with disabilities may get help through the General Assistance (GA) or Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) programs. ESF facilitates direct communication between individuals of different ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds in countries affected by civil strife and war, including the Middle East and North Africa. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, U.S. Agency for International Development. Carried out a demonstration project to expose farmers to new technology related to improved maize production. agency: agriculture and consumer services, department of, and commissioner of agriculture; program: agricultural economic development; animal pest and disease control Table of Popular Names. HRDF's purpose is to be a flexible, responsive mechanism . ESF resources fund programs by several State and USAID bureaus, including the State Department Bureaus of. The following activities were undertaken to improve the situation for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and their host communities nationwide. Additionally, LGP has trained 8,825 council members, 18 governors, 18 deputy governors, 330 director generals, as well as key staff in 400 departments and all of the new provincial councils elected in January 2005. The Inma private sector agribusiness development project ($92.5 million in ESF of $94.9 million total in this category) targets the formation and growth of agribusiness firms to stimulate and expand agriculture production, increase productivity, and achieve higher levels of employment. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. The Economic Support Fund (ESF) account provides economic assistance to advance U.S. political and strategic interests by helping countries meet political, economic, and security needs. The SSH program across Africa received $2 million in 2020 through the Africa Regional Economic Support Fund. 210; The following state regulations pages link to this page. In total, $261.448 million in INCLE funds have been appropriated to the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairss Rule of Law program ($91.4 million in the FY 2006 supplemental budget; $20.048 million in the FY 2007 continuing resolution; and $150 million in the FY 2007 supplemental budget). The item Status of Department of State economic support fund interagency agreements with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Iraq, (electronic resource) represents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in Indiana State Library. To date, a total of 16,000 students have graduated from the vocational training program. ESF is also used to fund other global programs, improve energy sectors, promote human rights, and address the threats caused by climate change. CAP continues to manage the Marla Ruzicka War Victims Fund ($14.96 million of CAP funds) to assist innocent victims of coalition action, helping the program quickly earn community acceptance and building trust in areas recently emerging from conflict. State Department and Related Agency: Selected Accounts 5 Table 4. BEIJING - The theme of this year's World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting is "Cooperation in a fragmented world." No word better describes the gloomy state of the global economy than "fragmented." In addition to rising trade barriers, jolted supply and industrial chains and major regional conflicts, the fading consensus on economic globalization is . . Completed a Livestock Sector Rapid Appraisal that provides critical data on the wholesale supply of livestock in Diyala province and throughout Iraq. startxref Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. 40-804 116TH CONGRESS REPORT 2d Session " !HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 116-444 STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2021 JULY 13, 2020.Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed %%EOF Twitter The PAC program has added Provincial Procurement Assistance Teams (PPAT) in several locations; all but two Governorates are now supported with PPAT teams, and a PAC is now operational in Erbil supporting the Kurdistan Regional Government. The Office of Recovery Programs is providing self-resources to assist recipients of awards from its programs with questions about reporting, technical issues, eligible uses of funds, or other items. 0000003250 00000 n Scott Sizer, Public-Private Partnerships Policy Coordinator. 0000009064 00000 n Humanitarian Assistance (IHA) accounts, and moved the Economic Support Fund (ESF) account from Title III (Bilateral Economic Assistance) into Title IV (International Security Assistance) to make clear the committee's . Through a Winter Feed Grains-certified seed production project, trained more than 250 farmers in field preparation, planting using seed drills, fertilization, and irrigation scheduling. Economic Development & Finance is charged with coordinating the state's economic development resources to attract, retain and expand wealth. CSP also provides activities for Iraqi youths, such as sports tournaments, cultural events, and arts activities. Facilities Hardening (forward operating bases, refineries, power lines, power plants, water stations, and oil terminals): Improving existing critical infrastructure to withstand interdiction attempts and security breaches. Completed almost 950 community projects, with work ongoing on 750 new projects in all provinces of Iraq. Enrolled up to 6,000 Iraqi children in non-formal and remedial education activities in Jordan. MarketWatch provides the latest stock market, financial and business news. Integrity: Security programs that focus on biometrics, identity cards, redundancy and viability in equipment, and other safety equipment necessary to eliminate single points of failure. Fosters stability and security abroad by strengthening the military and law enforcement forces in our partner countries through capacity building and training and helps countries purchase defense equipment and services produced in the United States. Supplementary Tables - Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY 2022 . Housing. Completed drafts of an informal education manual and distributed to NGOs implementing informal education activities for Iraqis in Jordan. ESF programs promote bedrock American values. This effort, which grew from a KRG request, assessed the production, distribution, and sale of electricity, including the important issue of rate-setting. The clinic will provide legal representation to over 6,000 detainees. Funding for global health provided to the CDC totals $693 million, an increase of $46 million compared to the FY22 enacted level, but $55 million below the FY23 request. Programs supported by these funds promote systems and structures to prevent conflicts that could require costly military interventions. By continuing to use this website or clicking on the OK, I agree button, you accept our policy on use of cookies in our, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment, Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities, International Fund for Agricultural Development, McGovern-Dole International Food for Education, Labor, Health & Human Services Appropriations Bill, National Center for Emerging & Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, ESF funds are used to finance both short- and long-term efforts to counter terrorism, encourage greater private sector economic engagement, and strengthen justice systems in. Joint Director Provisional Seniority List Dated:17-05-2022. The ESF encourages greater private sector economic engagement, counters terrorism, and strengthens justice systems. An official website of the United States Government, Business, Entrepreneurship, & Responsible Business Conduct, Investment Relationships, Development Finance, & Macroeconomic Affairs, Economic Sanctions, Countering Terrorist Financing, Anti-Money Laundering, & Conflict Minerals, International Trade Policy Advice & Safe, Secure, Efficient Global Transportation, Division for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions, Division for International Communications and Information Policy, Division for International Finance and Development, Division for Trade Policy and Negotiations, Office of Commercial and Business Affairs, Office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy, Office of the U.S. Redundancy: Supplementing existing oil export facilities with additional resources in order to ensure continuity of crude oil exports. This quarter, the Embassy approved $63.7 million in funds for projects in Iraqs 18 provinces. Trained approximately 75 members from seven different Kurdish political parties on campaign management and planning. Needs are addressed through a range of activities, including increasing the role of the private sector in the economy, assisting in the development of effective . Historically, the Director of Foreign Assistance has been at different times a dual-hatted USAID Administrator, a career Senior Executive Service employee,oraStateDepartment Administratively Determined employee. Contact: OTTED or Enterprise Florida. This section reports on funds appropriated under the NADR heading for humanitarian demining and small arms and light weapons destruction, including $9.9 million (FY 2007 continuing resolution), $7 million (FY 2007 supplemental budget), and $15.9 million (FY 2008 omnibus base budget). Unless otherwise noted, the discussion and . Launched a ten-day IT training course for 12 GOI employees in Mosul, reaching Directorates General in the provinces to address their particular needs. The core responsibility for this role is coordinating across relevant government entities, especially between the State Department and USAID. The Office of Electronic Information, Bureau of Public Affairs, manages this site as a portal for information from the U.S. State Department. Trained more than 60 farmers on field preparation, planting, and irrigation scheduling for a new variety of maize. Program recipients with questions about reporting, technical issues . April 2008, a. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. Additionally, USAID will complement the Department of Agricultures efforts ($2.4 million in ESF) in helping implement national policy that promotes and supports commodity-focused agribusinesses. Basic training in the generation, use, and interpretation of standardized financial soundness indicators has been completed. And a new State Department Central American regional economic support fund would receive $131 million a dramatic bump from $1.5 million that was specifically earmarked for Guatemala and $2 . Explanation: The purpose of HRDF is to help fulfill the State Department's mandate to monitor and promote human rights and democracy worldwide. Additional funds could strengthen efforts in fragile contexts where economic instability and hunger cause fragile environments to worsen. Regime Crimes Liaison Office (RCLO) programs ($33 million in ESF funds) assist the Iraqi High Tribunal (IHT) in coordinating assistance to the IHT by U.S. agencies in Iraq, other foreign governments, law enforcement agencies, and international and non-governmental organizations. Support for Tourism . A total of $385 million in FY07 funds has been designated for PRDC projects, of which $198 million has been approved by the Embassy for specific projects that are currently being executed through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division (GRD). Completed a two-month assessment of the date sector and launched work with local date producers to revitalize their productivity. In collaboration with the Iraqi Ministry of Environment, initiated a Radiation Workers Protection Program that will employ Iraqi experts in to developing and implementing radiation safety training the dismantlement of former nuclear facilities. 0000005593 00000 n The Resource Status of Department of State economic support fund interagency agreements with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Iraq These data will guide an investment that could reach over $10 million. Started construction on eleven projects (five with FY 2006 funds and six with FY 2007 funds) with a total contract value of $30.6 million. Cuts could undermine efforts in fragile contexts where economic instability and hunger cause fragile environments to worsen. Turned over the completed Secure Document Storage Facility to the IHT. Empire State Economic Development Fund Program, Construction, expansion and rehabilitation of facilities, Businesses involved in industrial, manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, Research and development, high technology, service and other non-retail commercial enterprises, Local development corporations and industrial development agencies. Supported an agreement of cooperation between affiliates of Iraqi International Transport Federation (ITF) and those of the Iraqi International Chemical Energy and Mine Workers (ICEM), who together pledged to address problems in the Iraqi energy sector. Revised Provides that, of the $3.34 billion appropriated for the Department of State's Economic Support Fund, funding made available for programs to promote democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela shall be increased by $3 million, from $30 million to $33 million. In addition to these ministries, USAIDs Tatweer Project works closely with the Prime Ministers Office (PMO), Deputy Prime Ministers Offices (DPMO), and the Council of Ministries Secretariat (COMSEC). This program began last quarter and is currently implementing eight, year-long grants totaling $905,627. Additional funding could enable the U.S. government to better respond to the root causes of conflicts that drive increasing humanitarian need around the world. This conference brought together provincial and federal officials for a formal presentation of provincial development strategies. The Iraq Scientist Engagement Program ($7.0 million budgeted for FY08) supports the transition of Iraqi scientists, technicians, and engineers with WMD and missile expertise to sustainable civilian employment in support of Iraqi economic development. Facilitated coordination and information-sharing among other missions related to the Provincial Powers Law. Review of the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the U.S. Agency for International Development recent hearings. Trained Iraqi women reporters and helped them to publish in European media by linking them with editorial boards of European media outlets. Conducted a workshop with 60 Iraqi members of the National Network of Peace and Conflict Mitigation, led by Columbia Universitys Institute of Conflict Resolution. Activities include two main elements: specific, immediate support to key ministries through advisors dedicated to the ministry or institution; and training of civil servants at the national and provincial levels to improve approaches to key public administration functions, such as project management, procurement, human resources, and delivering public services; and managing training programs in these areas to sustain this effort. Logistical barriers prevented the completion of the course, but new courses will begin in mid-2008 at the new JEDI facility. Improved security allowed the generation of more long-term employment in all areas of Baghdad. Through ICRC and its Iraqi partners, provided three months worth of food rations to 4,000 recently displaced households each month, along with household items and hygiene kits. Successfully transitioned trash collection responsibilities to the municipal government in five Baghdad districts. The vast majority of the remaining Human Rights Democracy Funds are expected to be awarded to organizations through open competition and to fund program support costs. Enhanced UNHCRs preparedness and response capacity, including by reinforcing its contingency stockpiles inside Iraq. Grants may range from $150,000 to $3 million. Stable democracies are good for businesscorruption and poor governance fuel economic instability. Served as technical leader on the development of a new project tracking and accounting software application to be used in provinces across Iraq. 0000004955 00000 n CBI is also nearing the adoption of a revised Prudential Balance Sheet that meets international standards. the Department of State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2019 (Div. The series is designed to improve activist capacity to implement solutions to their communities most critical issues; train them in conflict mitigation and resolution; and determine areas of potential CSO impact in the resolution of community problems. INL provided technical assistance to USACEs Gulf Region South division to resolve issues surrounding prison design and assisted the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program in deploying a team of four U.S. advisors to the prison site to facilitate the activation schedule. 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