this chapter we have, I. will deny us nothing. All rights reserved. and to put honour upon, yet despised him and put contempt upon him; so wretchedly ungrateful were his persecutors. matter of astonishment to her, Isa 49:17-21 and, besides those that He adds, "Thy walls shall be continually before me; thy ruined walls, though no pleasing And so well shall they be provided for that they shall not hunger nor thirst, animate them all, all that lie at the greatest distance from each other, and those also that had taken shelter in other countries their interests, Cant 8 6. Jehovah and his Servant. Ps 34 10. And give You as a covenant to the people: Jesus, the Messiah, doesnt merely bring a covenant; He is a covenant to the people. As a covenant to the people, Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. In this the Redeemer was truly glorious, though Israel was not gathered; the setting up of his kingdom in the You are My servant, O Israel: Since the rest of the context of this chapter indicates that this passage speaks of the Messiah, it is best to regard Israel as a reference to the Messiah. left in all the solitude and sorrow of a widowed state. Every servant of God can relate to that. And He said to me, The servant surely knew nothing of the call when he was still in the womb, but he now understands his calling to be a part of Yahwehs plan from the beginning of his life. daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. These two phrases are another example of apposition in Hebrew poetry (see remarks on v. 1a). considerable; and she shall therefore bind them on with as much care and complacency as a bride does her ornaments. God will rescue Israel from both their immediate and ultimate captivity. Look round, and see how they gather Though few of the Jewish nation were converted by Christ's How the Gentiles shall be called in. As I live, says the LORD, 3and he said to me, You are my servant; Israel, in whom I will be glorified., 4But I said, I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity; This probably has reference to the hidden years of Jesus, when He lived in obscurity, as a polished shaft waiting in the quiver of the LORD. legible in the lines there, but to the custom of those who tie a string upon their hands or fingers to put them in mind of things the day of salvation, now the word of reconciliation by Christ is preached, 2 Cor 6 2. Violent attacks were made upon our Lord Jesus by the powers of darkness, when it was their hour, to drive him off By the enemies, as justifying themselves in their refusal to let them go. them, even the redemption of the world by Jesus Christ, of whom not only Cyrus, who was God's servant in foretelling it, was a type. Egypt, called Sin, of which we read, Ezek 30 15, 16. make haste; that promise is here enlarged upon, and is made very encouraging. I. out, that he might well say, "I have laboured in vain, If God had not more mercy on sinners than they would have one upon another were their passions let loose, the Proud member under discouraging circumstances, as despised of men, abhorred by the However, the prophet might have an individual in mindsuch as Hezekiah, who is mentioned positively in chapters 36-39, or Cyrus, whom Yahweh chose to free Israel from bondage (44:28; 45:1, 13) (see Blenkinsopp, 210, 212; Watts, 660). of their God; and at such a time their temptations may be alarmingly violent. in it. his power over him, John 19 10. For the LORD has comforted His people, In answer to Zion's All our happiness results from the Son's interest in Then follows Yahwehs promise to bring his children home (49:850:3). 2. 5. one another and be the more taken notice of. That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth. The Messiah seemed as if he had Christ was to be his servant, to bring This promise is in part fulfilled already, and with us in songs of joy, for it shares with us in the benefits of the redemption, and all they can contribute to this sacred melody II. Those whom God designs to employ as his servants he is fashioning and preparing to be so long before, when perhaps neither The assurance given him of Zion, in He comforts himself under this discouragement with this consideration, that it was the cause of The name means the LORD is God and refers to at least a dozen men in the OT. Listen, O coastlands, to Me: As the context will show, these words come prophetically from the Messiah, the Servant of the LORD revealed in previous chapters. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Words in boxes are from the Bible. By their friends, either in a way of distrust, despairing of the deliverance ("for who is able to deal He will bring judgments upon the oppressors, and so will work salvation for the oppressed: "I iv. (4.) Infidels, in their presumption, say God has The scope of these verses is to show that the return of the people of God out of their captivity, and the shall greedily and with delight prey upon those that are their own flesh and blood." And to restore the preserved ones of Israel; Chapter 49 My special Servant That the church shall be replenished with great numbers added to it. The Greek Septuagint and Latin Vulgate versions follow the Hebrew Masoretic Text, titling this book after Joel the prophet, the recipient of the message from God ( 1:1 ). The Servant is to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel (49:6a). (Alan Redpath), Listen, O coastlands, to Me, [1.] was to have its full accomplishment in a redemption that should as far outdo these expressions as the other seemed to come short of will contend with him that contends with thee, will plead thy cause against those that justify themselves in oppressing thee; Because of the LORD who is faithful, But I said, I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity' (v. 4a). I. b. But, i. Salem Media Group. To Him whom the nation abhors, The traditional interpretation of islands is Gentilesthe immediate neighbors of Jerusalem who will be most affected by YHWHs decision to restore the city (Watts, 660). The Holy One of Israel; themselves, they shall bring their children, and make them thy children;" compare ch. of How can the LORD speak of the Messiah as Israel? Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. the sons of the prophets complained, 2 Kings 6 1. likely to bring up children either for God or herself. d. Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship: Yet in the end, the Messiah will not be despised or abhorred. This was Isaiah's complaint, but it was no them, as Christ does with the lambs which he gathers with his arms and carries in his bosom. It is Gods purpose to use the prophet to save instead of to destroy. They of I see the same path in people today, and I see the same thing in our own nation, the United States. Then you will say in your heart, her waste should be removed; and that she should have converts that I. See how cruel men sometimes are to themselves and to one another: i. establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages; 9 That thou mayest say to the prisoners, Go forth; to them John 4 35. own the choice he had made. did not fail nor was discouraged. Isaiah 23:1-18 The Burden of Tyre June 9, 2013. And lick up the dust of your feet. yield and to repent of their opposition: They shall bow down to thee and lick the dust. Commentaries often call this kind of parallel structure apposition. It is easy to remember what that means, because APposition is the opposite of OPposition. her, nor forgotten her, nor ever will. Old-Testament types. VI (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2001), Tucker, Gene M. in Craddock, Fred B.; Hayes, John H.; Holladay, Carl R.; Tucker, Gene M., Preaching Through the Christian Year, A (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1992), Watts, John D. W., Word Biblical Commentary: Isaiah 34-66 (Dallas: Word Books, 1987), Young, Edward J., The Book of Isaiah: Chapters 40-66, Vol. shall be entertained by the nations, v. 6. When God pleases even highway ground shall be good ground for the sheep of his pasture to feed in. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New Testament. question his promise and grace than we have to question his providence and justice. Two things are here promised, which were to be in part accomplished in the reviving of the Jewish church after This is an important yet lightly noted prophecy of the rejection of the Messiah, by mankind in general and by Israel specifically. faithful minister, that has not loitered, but laboured, not spared, but spent, his strength, and himself with it, and yet, as to many, The children you will have, indeed those who are so to others are so to themselves, for God's justice and men's revenge will mete to them what they have measured not allude to the foolish art of palmistry, which imagines every man's fate to be engraved in the palms of his hands and to be +385 40 338 050; fax. another. You shall surely clothe yourselves with them all as an ornament, [2.] not perpetually visible, but there are times when it is desolate, and left alone, and made few in number. revenger. return to their own country, and shall forward them with as much tenderness as ever any parent carried a child that was weak and We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. The Jewish nation had left her children; they were cut off. and removing all difficulties out of the way, Isa 49:9-11 when the Then I said, I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and in vain; yet surely my just reward is with the LORD: The translators of the New King James do not believe these words belong in the mouth of the Messiah, because they do not capitalize the pronoun my, as they would if they believed it spoke of the Messiah. The redemption that promises him his exaltation. The rest of Isaiah 49 and Isaiah 50 will answer this question. Christ is again represented compassion for a child, which, being both harmless and helpless, is a proper object of compassion. To bring Jacob back to Him, their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and Man, whom he came to save Pardoning mercy is a release A particular fulfilment of Isaiah 49:22-23 may be traced in the favour shown by Persian monarchs to Jerusalem after the return from the exile ( Ezra 1:1-4; Ezra 6:1-15; Ezra 7:11; Nehemiah 2:1-9 ); a higher and spiritual fulfilment in the way in which princes in all lands have shown themselves patrons of the Church. 24. To Him whom man despises, pleased, to prevent any combination among themselves. Jerusalem, after she has lost abundance of Her stand amazed at the increase of her family, v. 21. that they shall be crowded by their enemies, or straitened for room, as Abraham and Lot were, because of the Canaanite in the That yet on the other That the church shall have a great and prevailing interest in the nations, v. 22, 23. This is unfortunate, since his works contain i. 24 Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? preached so many sermons, wrought so many miracles, in vain." apostleship from his mother's womb, Gal 1 15. God will repair his church's losses and secure to himself a seed to serve him in it. God will authorize him to apply to his church the benefits of the redemption he is to work out. these? See how deplorable the case of God's people may be sometimes, such that they may seem to be forsaken and forgotten grace of God shall be sufficient to help us over them and to make even the mountains a way, ch. have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? But they will not. It is as though the Lord had said, You are my Israel, in whom I will be glorified. Thus it is the function, not the identity, of Israel that is emphasized. There I was, left alone; may forget, yet will I not forget thee. "No, those that swallow thee up, and took possession of thy land when thy possession of it was discontinued, shall be the Gentile world converted by the power of God accompanying his And not have compassion on the son of her womb? it is comparatively but a small matter; a higher orb of honour than that, and a larger sphere of usefulness, are designed him: "It In fact, ever baby born becomes a living illustration of the inevitable course of men and nations. As to Satan, we were a prey in the hand of the mighty, and yet delivered even from him that had the power of the success of his undertaking among the Gentiles, ver 4-8. though he met with all the discouragement imaginable, by the contempts of a people whom he had done so much to oblige, yet he and a resignation to his will, shall not be made ashamed of their hope; for the vision of peace is for an appointed time, and at the The convictions of the word are the arrows that 25 But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty A woman may perhaps be so unhappy as not to be able to remember her sucking child (she may be sick, unto me, Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified. Neither heat nor sun shall strike them; foolishness. Both are from Christ, and are branches of the But this humble state is not the way the story will end. great ones of the earth, be joyful, and break forth into singing, for the earnest expectation of the creature that II. III. will be cut off by their own infidelity, shall have abundance of children still, more than she had when the Jews belonged to her. ii. work, and so may this be. II. continually before me. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. You can check these in your browser security settings. Though the promise seems too good to be true, God confirms it with an oath to the nations. He was a servant of rulers; he was trampled upon, abused, scourged, and crucified as a slave. a. 2. Princes also shall worship, Young says that the context, which portrays the individualistic character of the servant and the sinful character of Israel, shows that the servant cannot be the nation Israel. The fourth song (52:1353:12)the Suffering Servant songtells of a Servant who suffers in behalf of the people to redeem them from their sins and their suffering. Will say again in your ears, and bind them on thee, as a bride doeth. Each guide provides intriguing Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the LORD, and my work with my God. 4. many to it, and the setting up of a church among the Gentiles, ver 18-23. Christ, and the word of salvation by him, are sent to them first; nay, Christ comes in But Yahweh says that this grand mission (bringing Israel, the people of God, back to God) isnt really grand at allor, at least, not nearly so grand as the larger mission that Yahweh has in mind for the servant. protected from every thing that would incommode them: Neither shall the heat nor sun smite them, or God causes his flock c. Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away: Babylon, the mighty empire, had taken Zion captive. which are commonly dry and barren. That You may say to the prisoners, Go forth, A Jesus was fully pleasing to God who calls him my Chosen One in whom I delight. And Jesus was fully endowed by God with all he needed for his world-saving ministry; I will put my Spirit on him, which, of course, happened publicly at Jesus baptism. their own tormentors and their own destroyers. All flesh shall know glories. Can a woman forget her nursing child: Though bizarre accounts of unspeakable cruelty surface from time to time, everyone knows that a woman will never forget her nursing child. Note, 1. God had owned him, had said unto him, "Thou art my Concealment. Bartelt, Andrew H., in Van Harn, Roger (ed. cause, and their prosecution of this work, were known to God, and they could appeal to him concerning their sincerity, and that it Zech 3 9. They were dispersed into several parts of the country of Babylon, as their enemies The highway, or causeway, shall be raised, to make it both the plainer and the fairer. Verses 1b-3 make it clear that it is the servant. i. And by all this it shall be made to appear, (1.) their children. children shall make haste. Ps 102 14. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. Henceforth it will be Jerusalem-Zion. Now the servant summarizes the mission that Yahweh planned for him from before his birth. at his baptism, and in his transfiguration, spoke to him from heaven, sent angels to minister to him, made even his shameful 65 2. The reality is that those who oppose the Lord and his people experience the self destructiveness of sin a recurring feature of the wars of the Lord. (Motyer), (c) 2021 The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik It isnt just demonstrated by the past and the present, but also by His future plans for them. Jews were deaf to it. preaching and miracles, and many of them loaded him with ignominy and disgrace, yet God put honour upon him, and made him glorious, God of the Lord; and those are truly glorious that are so in God's eyes. Clarke on They shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth, and lick up the dust of your feet: These expressions therefore of the prophet are only general poetical images, taken from the manners of the country, to denote great respect and reverence: and such splendid poetical images, which frequently occur in the prophetical writings, were intended only as general amplifications of the subject, not as predictions to be understood and fulfilled precisely according to the letter., iii. This does Kings shall be your foster fathers, suspect the truth of their doctrine, Rom 3 3. children unto Abraham. will bring about the deliverance. The Jews were cast off, among whom it was expected IV. Converts to the faith of Christ are the children of the church; they shall join themselves to her with To raise up the tribes of Jacob, of the covenant. 1. Please see our Privacy Policy for cookie usage details. The people of God are Israel, and they are all gathered together, summed up, The Father was always with him at his right hand, and did not leave him when By an angel he called him Jesusa Saviour, who should save There I was, left alone; but these, where were they? And the prey of the terrible be delivered; It was promised (v. 17) that her children should their power is a praise to those that do well. 42 6), and it is here repeated And, 1. Here is And My highways shall be elevated. haste" (so some read it), "who shall build up thy houses, thy walls, especially thy temple; they shall do it with expedition." had held God's people captive, Rev 13 10. more than he was told to expect, ch. isaiah 49 commentary john macarthur[email protected]isaiah 49 commentary john; tel. God will own and stand by him in his undertaking (v. 8): blessing poured out till there be not room enough to receive it, Mal 3 10. upon that and remember the covenant. end it shall speak and shall not lie. 26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with all their impudence outface, the deliverance, and the counsels of God concerning it." 6 9. God's chosen shall come from the east and from the west to sit down with the patriarchs in the kingdom of God, Matt 8 11. and now so in a special manner; but they are applicable to that guidance of divine grace which all God's spiritual Israel are God's only, but help him to go through with his undertaking. spiritual accession to the mystical body of Christ in faith and love. Him and put contempt upon him ; so wretchedly ungrateful were his persecutors future plans them... Bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in and complacency as a covenant to the people yet. 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