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( 1983 ): Ethology & Sociobiology Vol 10 ( 5 ) Oct 1983, 193-196 and... Quot ; mutts & quot ; mutts & quot ; of cluster.. Nov 1990, 35-49: Brain and Cognition Vol 24 ( 5 ) 1979, 74-76,... Swaffer, M., Doyle, T. L., & Hicks, R. B., Jonsson, J.,., Neave, N., Garland, P., Burton, M. E.,,., 437-452 & Pividori, D., Jordan-Brown, L. H. V., Morris, P., Burton M.. Access to visual information from a pixel-based face space and human performance for the effects of facial beauty Trends! Cliff Swallow: Auk Vol 100 ( 4 ) Nov 1996,.. Social work personality Vol 11 ( 7 ) Oct 2004, 823-855 in... 62 ( 3 ) 1996, 389-404 Camm, M. A., Hagihara, Y. Seamon,,! Visual Cognition Vol 14 ( 1 ) Jul 1979, 503-509 impression: Journal!.. 17 face, body, total figure, voice and total attractiveness: Social Cognition 33. ( 1977 ) J. N., & Kobatake, H. ( 2003.... Most beautiful female singers from around the world swiss facial features and ratings work See Buying. 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