Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. The downside to this, though, is that green does creatures best. He also provides a lot of flexibility by providing so many spell slots, so look to include creature seeking and gem-shifting abilities to pay for everything. His reliance on getting good cards, though, is what keeps him from Tier 1. - Tezzeret, the Seeker (+2/+3/+2/0/0) 5/8/9: He's a great support-centric planeswalker. Okay, it was fun going over the planeswalker deck 'walkers before, but now when I'm kinda cramped on space, I don't have time to play devil's advocate. Just Right: After composing this write-up, I said to myself, "You know, I could probably make good use of this dork in Jalira, Master Polymorphist." Picking up a few of these should be a priority when selecting planeswalkers. Getting Started: Get Drake Haven and cards with cycling. However, he is heavilly reliant on the type of deck he's playing against--which makes it difficult for him to scale up quickly. Fast, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Over, Under, or Just Right? He builds very fast, and has abilities that help him board wipe with little trouble. Agh! If you have a strong Ixalan/Rivals of Ixalan collection (especially with Enrage) she's more of a Tier 2 planeswalker currently. Fast planeswalkers can usually set themselves up in the first few turns (Karn or Hautli for example, due to mana gains and easy ability setup). Getting Started: Look for typical black control cards and some decent creatures. I very well could be wrong, but I also urge you to consider why you rank a planeswalker differently. Let me know in the comments. A summary of each Planeswalker is below. He can effectively go creatureless if you have ways of quickly destroying a lot of supports. There's a reason Dargo, the Shipwrecker is her most popular Partner: Jeska makes Dargo lethal by herself! Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Hi my name is Max Moed-Nelson (IGN: mrhibachi) and today I've decided to do a write-up about my assessment of each of the planeswalkers in MTGPQ. A final note: I'm certain that many reading this list will probably find a few classifications they don't agree with. Getting Started: To capitalize on her mechanics, you want cards that have Activate abilities, or can trigger them (destroying gems, converting gems, etc.). For more information, please see our They aren't made for Commander play, and you can clearly see that! Fast, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. . All two-color Planeswalkers' mana bonuses add up to eight. Just Right: I feel like I should have more to say, but I honestly got nothing. The last category, Vanity Tier, has niche usefulness. Thus, the question is really are you going to ult him enough for him to be worth it? Until next week! Fast, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. Unusual mana gain is part of the design of colorless walkers, and there is no easy rule to define their bonuses. Getting Started: Look for cards that force your opponent to discard. Underplayed: Like, do I need to have Nissa in play when I cast Splendid Reclamation? Getting Started: She thrives off of Amass abilities. Tier 2 monocolor planeswalkers can be quite powerful, but rely more on cards than Tier 1 planeswalkers. Getting Started: Find black creatures that have ETB (enter the battlefield) or destroy effects. - Jaya Ballard (0/+4/0/+5/0) 5/8/6: She is one of the few planeswalkers that is set up to go creatureless. Now, though, since she doesn't generate enough Energized gems to make it worthwhile, she can't keep pace in standard. Fast, Independent, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Chandra is like that but kinda worse because they don't even need the removal; they can just attack her to kill her dead. It's the Rise From the Grave thing again that we saw on Liliana, Death's Majesty. - Gideon, Ally of Zendikar (W) (+3/+2/0/0/+2) 5/10/7: He relies too much on Ally cards to be viable in anything outside of Legacy. That's all you need to make this card playable and that's also basically all she has. Lots of lifelink. Speed: A major consideration I have in constructing this tier list is accessibility of cards and the relative speed of the match. Planeswalker levels may be increased by spending Mana Runes ( ), to a maximum of level 60. Narset is a good little blue planeswalker. Getting Started: Look for cards that enhance your creatures. In a match that goes longer, the tiers would adjust somewhat. Medium, Independent, Medium Abilities, Flexible. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Flexible. Getting Started: Look for creatures and spells with Energize and Overload. A final note: I'm certain that many reading this list will probably find a few classifications they don't agree with. O nmero de planeswalkers protegendo o Magic: The Gathering Multiverso continua a diminuir enquanto The Eternal Wanderer em Phyrexia: All Will Be One oferece um vislumbre de esperana. Slow planeswalkers are really at the mercy of their match ups; unless you've got a solid deck with a good strategy to get rolling, most decks you'll play against will trigger faster (Jace, Telepath Unbound just doesn't come online quickly unless you're really lucky). - Nissa, Steward of Elements (0/+3/0/0/+4) 5/6/5: In Legacy, her cycling mechanic can make for easy wins. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Getting Started: She'll need control cards. - Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge (U / B) (-1/+4/+4/+2/-1): If you have Artifacts, Tezzeret is a well-oiled machine. - Dovin, Grand Arbiter (W / U) (+3/+3/+2/0/0) 5/9/5: Although this is a tentative placement, he has good mana bonuses and his abilities will be quite strong in this more creature-centric meta (after all, part of his third ability is half of Nahiri's third for all your creatures, and stays permanently). - Gideon, Battle Forged (W) (+3/+1/0/0/+1) 9/6/7: He has a solid set of abilities; however, his mana bonuses and his absolute reliance on creatures hold him back from being a Tier 2 planeswalker. - Liliana, Death's Majesty (B) (-2/+4/+5/+3/-1) 5/5/5: The only thing keeping Liliana from Tier 1 is that to truly capitalize on her abilities, you'll need to find creatures that have good "when this creature enters the battlefield" or "when this creature is destroyed" mechanics. Slow, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Flexible. All fine, but I still don't think she's very good as a whole. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Flexible. Teferi is a good example of this, since including some control cards in your deck is pretty important to keep him afloat. - Ob Nixilis, Reignited (0/+1/+3/+1/0) 8/8/8: The only thing that keeps Ob Nixilis from Tier 1 is his dependence on certain cards and lack of great mana bonuses. Tier 2 monocolor planeswalkers can be quite powerful, but rely more on cards than Tier 1 planeswalkers. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Spells/supports that generate lots of matches are key--think of spells that convert mana, or destroy gems. Getting Started: Thopter token generating cards and vehicles. Geyadrone Dihada () A ancient demonic planeswalker who first appeared on Dominaria between the fall of the Thran and the Brothers' War. Medium, Card Reliant, Weaker Abilities, Creatureless. Enough about design principles. Rank it Now! Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. How is he in 6,000 decks when I forgot he existed? If you have the cards, these planeswalkers can bring the firepower. Same as last time, if you want to know what changed in the 203 'walkers we're not talking about, there is an Odds and Ends companion post! Spells/supports that generate lots of matches are key--think of spells that convert mana, or destroy gems. Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. - Vraska, Relic Seeker (0/+1/+3/+1/+3) 8/6/5: Vraska brings a lot of control with her abilities, while being able to field large creatures. Weak Abilities can sometimes pull through in clutch moments, but for the most part aren't terribly useful, and are often passed up. The fact that his first and second abilities fabricate feed well into this third ability. Medium, Card Reliant, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. Relies on an old mechanic. I very well could be wrong, but I also urge you to consider why you rank a planeswalker differently. Otherwise, with a little lifelink, his third ability is enough to easily win. Relies on old mechanics. Planeswalkers begin at level 1. Over, Under, or Just Right? Better get started then! Their abilities don't rely heavily on a certain block, nor do they rely on particular cards to get started. The fact that his first and second abilities fabricate feed well into this third ability. - Kaya, Orzhov Usurper (+3/+1/+3/+1/0) 6/7/6: Her first two abilities are rather lackluster, but her rather cheap third ability has the ability to be a one-hit kill. Nahiri, Heir of the Ancients reminds me a lot of Nahiri, the Lithomancer, and I wasn't very high on that card. Tamiyo, Field Researcher (W / U / G) (+2/+3/0/0/+2) 5/8/6: If Tamiyo gets to her third ability, the match is pretty much over. Getting Started: Creature tokens combo extremely well with her first ability, but really anything can do since you'll be drawing lots of cards and paying for them quite quickly. Is it too win more? I like Jace, Mirror Mage for a lot of the same reasons. More than that, I've also been consuming Magic content at my usual rate. If all you do is put two counters on one creature, Basri has basically done nothing, and that's gonna happen a lot because he has no way to protect himself. Even just doing the -2 once before she dies isn't a terrible use of the card. Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Flexible. Medium planeswalkers might take a little effort to get started, either due to poor mana gains or a reliance on certain abilities to come online (Vraska is a good example of medium, since she might take a few turns to get started with her mana gains, but has access to an effective ability fairly quickly). Has Nissa of Shadowed Boughs been insane for you? Getting Started: Find cards that Energize the board. - Tezzeret, Artifice Master (+1/+4/+4/0/0) 6/6/7: If you have Thopters and strong blue creatures, he's on the higher side of Tier 3 and potentially Tier 2. If I was gonna pick one here that wasn't completely terrible, it would be Chandra, Flame's Catalyst. Overplayed:Like, if you aren't discarding your hand, what else are you gonna do with this Chandra? (9 Decks as solo commander, 753 Decks as partner commander, 1,907 Decks as a card). Over, Under, or Just Right? Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. Medium, Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creatureless. - Angrath, the Flame Chained (-1/+2/+4/+4/-1) 7/6/6: If you're looking for a solid discard alternative to Liliana, Defiant Necromancer, look no further. This is the updated Mono Color Planeswalker Tier List for mtgpq. Tier 2 monocolor planeswalkers can be quite powerful, but rely more on cards than Tier 1 planeswalkers. Medium, Independent, Fairly Strong Abilities, Flexible. Karn, Scion of Urza (Colorless) (+1/+1/+1/+1/+1) 5/5/6: He needs some good supports. Getting Started: A few more control cards never goes awry, but otherwise he's very adaptable. For example, although cards that trigger activates by destroying gems would be useful for Elspeth, she has built in activate destruction; otherwise, her mana bonuses are solid enough that she can field expensive cards without too much difficulty or need for thematic synergy. All Planeswalkers had abilities straight out of the gate, at level 1. Getting Started: Werewolves with flip abilities. Medium, Card Reliant, Medium Abilities, Creature Driven. Slightly Card Reliant planeswalkers require generically complimentary card setups. Nothing about Basri is exciting. To capitalize on his third ability, it requires a deck loaded with Legendaries. - Sorin, Grim Nemesis (+4/0/+4/0/0) 10/5/5: The only thing that keeps Sorin from a Tier 1 position is his low HP and that he needs both his second and third ability to turn any deck into an overpowering force. - Jace, Unraveler of Secrets (U) (0/+5/+4/0/0) 7/5/5: His mana bonuses are top tier, and with his third ability you can easily pump your creatures to absurd levels. Over, Under, or Just Right? Lots of lands. Medium, Slightly Card Reliant, Strong Abilities, Creature Driven. She only has one loyalty ability, however, and it only allows you to look at the top 4 cards you have and play one as long as it isn't a creature or land card. However, she lacks the ability to revive her zombies (unlike every other iteration of Liliana) and her third ability relies on you losing creatures to gain token creatures. As one gets farther away from top tiers, the speed slows down a bit, and the reliance on cards increases. Getting Started: Throw creatures into your deck. Relies on an old mechanic. Over, Under, or Just Right? Maybe the fact that I haven't seen him is supposed to indicatethe reputation is overblown on how impactful he'd be, but I really have no idea. - Chandra, Torch of Defiance (R) (0/0/+4/+5/0) 5/6/5: Back when Energize was a viable mechanic, this iteration of Chandra was quite powerful--she could get rid of Energized gems and do substantial damage at the same time. Getting Started: A few more control cards never goes awry, but otherwise he's very adaptable. Getting Started: Look for cards that can Energize the board, and some strong creatures to boot. and our It doesn't matter the color, and colorless is gravy. Getting Started: Zombies. On the other hand, Creatureless planeswalkers don't need creatures to win, and often have mechanics that help them control the board without needing to field any creatures (Ob Nixilus is a prime example). Relies on old mechanics. The listed mana bonuses, deck limits and health are given for planeswalkers at their maximum level. Weak Abilities can sometimes pull through in clutch moments, but for the most part aren't terribly useful, and are often passed up. - Domri, Chaos Bringer (R / G) (0/0/0/+4/+4) 8/7/4: With a creature seeking ability, good mana bonuses, the ability to field 7 spells as G/R, and a third ability that makes your first creature grow quite quickly, Domri is a force to be reckoned with. If you have the cards, these planeswalkers can bring the firepower. Getting Started: Look for cards that force your opponent to discard. For example, although cards that trigger activates by destroying gems would be useful for Elspeth, she has built in activate destruction; otherwise, her mana bonuses are solid enough that she can field expensive cards without too much difficulty or need for thematic synergy. Just Right: I also want it on the record that I love Jeska's regular art. Some Planeswalkers have abilities that benefit their mana bonuses; notably Karn, Scion of Urza, Sarkhan Unbroken, Tamiyo, Field Researcher , and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Liliana, Untouched by Death, sometimes called L4, is the fourth of many playable Planeswalkers in MtGPQ which embody Liliana Vess at different points in her life. Uses an old mechanic, but still very useful. Extremely powerful planeswalkers. - Tezzeret, the Schemer (+2/+3/+3/+1/0) 6/5/6: Although his mechanics are reliant on a past block, his abilities are self-sustaining enough to keep him viable. 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