", "2005, Tregeagle; Rhys observed a golden-fawn thylacine-like animal. It was long in the flank, like a horse. The Tasmanian tiger or thylacine . It was covered with a fine short brown fur except for the rump and tail, which was bare skinned with individual hairs scattered evenly across it. As we approached the left-hand turnoff to Evans Lookout, at the corner of the local council water catchment fence which encloses a vast area of dense scrubland, we saw in the glare of the car's headlights a strange animal. One of the most sought after mystery creatures of modern times is the Tasmanian Tiger, a creature which once roamed the wilds of Australia and the island of Tasmania. The road is long and straight. The species was declared extinct in 1986. "1970, Crabbes Creek; schoolteacher Mark was working on a banana farm during the school holidays and as they descended from a forested ridge top at the end of the day, the owners German Shepard dog began growling at something sheltering within an old, partly collapsed banana-packing shed overgrown with vines. ", "16th November, 1997, Sunday, 7-30 a.m. at Lennox Head; between Seven Mile Beach and Lake Ainsworth, near Camp Drew, Paul and his partner observed from their car, only 1 metre away, a dog-sized animal with black stripes down its back and rump with one stripe across the base of the tail. We could not see stripes. The mature thylacine ranged from 100 to 130 cm long, with a tail of around 50 . We live in Upper Wilsons Creek and our property backs onto Mt Jerusalem National Park. It had very fluid movements & its body was covered in short hair of a light fawn colour. So it was that stealthy, whatever it was, that even the pademelons who hear one twig break and they're outta there, it didn't hear it.I've been running tours out there for seven years, but you know going out into the rainforest, you know three or four times a week and that's the only time I've seen something that I couldn't explain. In Tasmania, the Thylacine was most predominant along the north and east coast, and in the midland plains region. Australia Wildlife Conservancy says there are only 800 numbats left in the wild, and none have been seen in NSW for more than 100 years. Does the Tasmanian tiger still exist? Zoologist Jeremy Griffith and farmer James Malley conducted the most intensive search for the Tasmanian tiger ever between 1967 and 1973. Its body was sloped and the tail followed the slope. It "had black stripes on the back side of the body." Start the day smarter Notable deaths in 2023 The world's . He observed it again at 5 pm on the Friday afternoon of the same week whilst driving back from work at exactly the same place. They have been a source of intrigue since the last known Tasmanian tiger died in a Hobart zoo in 1936. On 13 May 1930, in the Mawbanna district of north-eastern Tasmania, farmer Wilf Batty was eating his lunch when he heard a loud squawking coming from the direction of his chicken coop. "Sunday 22nd June, 3.00 p.m. 2008, Mooball; Scott Green, editor of the Weekly News, while out riding his bicycle along Wooyung Road towards Mooball, approaching the old railway bridge, spotted what he believes was a thylacine. This is the only report of a mother and its young.". It was only when my other daughter said that her description of the creature sounded like a thylacine that she was able to definitely identify it from pictures that she found on the internet. Since then, no conclusive evidence has emerged to suggest that Tasmanian tigers still exist in the wild, and the species was declared officially extinct in 1986, the Tasmanian Government's. She and a work mate looked at each other in total disbelief & both said together What in gods name was that? ", Source:http://acro-research.blogspot.com.au/2018/02/possible-thylacine-or-big-cat-sighting.html?m=1, "2000, Mahers Lane, Terranora; Don saw a long thin dog-like animal with stripes across its back & the base of its long thin tail in the evening as he drove down the road from his home through farmland. He also noticed the body tended to slope downwards and the long tail followed the slope of the back. Shannon later described the animal to me as being about 1.5 metres in length from head to tail. He stopped the car and turned off the motor and watched it from 2 metres away in the high beam of the headlights as it stared at him. ", Source:http://campbelltown-library.blogspot.com/2015/03/the-minto-monster.html. There is a maze of crevices and caverns in which any animal could live unseen, and it was into this gully that the tiger tracks led. Ummm but then I started thinking about it you know, what was it that I saw? I thought it was a cat at first but as I approached, it didnt scurry as a cat would. Therefore the tiger seen by Robyn Simon and Rebecca Jackson could only be a visitor to theKatoomba area, until it settles into a new habitat, perhaps with its mate if one is nearby, out on theNeck or back in Megalong Valley. Here we have a carnivore hanging out with two herbivores, can somebody please explain to me why this is occurring? She stated that it looked funny and very skinny and moved weird-like. They weighed up to 66 pounds. A screenshot of the video was also posted to Imgur.. Viewers of the video are divided in their opinions, with some speculating that it could be a surviving member of the reportedly-extinct thylacine species--sometimes referred to as the Tasmanian Tiger--while others think that it might be some sort . It is almost legendary in its native land, and although purportedly extinct, there have been numerous sightings, photographs, and video footage put forward over the years that . It had stripes that were not bold. The tail was thicker at the base than at the tip and was about 1ft in length. It was not a dog sound she madenothing like it. Two adults and a juvenile. Could the Polestar 2 EV go rear-wheel drive? Two Tasmanian tigers in captivity at the Hobart Zoo. The narrator says the Tasmanian tiger is a "dangerous opponent" who is no longer able to live in its natural habitat. F***ing joke: Neighbours stunning note, Firefighters stunned by treetop discovery, proof the extinct animals were still alive, Unearthed footage shows last-known glimpse of extinct Tasmanian tiger. At worst, it couldnt have been any more than 10 meters from me as it went tearing past, so I got a great view of it front on and in profile, and I tell you, it was one of the oddest creatures Ive ever seen! Was it a tiger? There was white around the muzzle and black around the ears. Christian Kopp had a second encounter with a thylacine (first: NSW.c1992.xx.xx) while out riding his motorbike. The time was approximately 6.15 - 6.30 am and the sun had been up for about 30 minutes. After looking at the cars headlights, it suddenly ran off into the bush.". . They had previously observed it on two earlier separate occasions and enquiring of the neighbours, were told that all three families on adjoining properties had observed the animal going back at least ten years but had never bothered to report it. It was 11 am, and I observed the animal for 1-2 minutes from a distance of about 15-20 metres; it ran along the sand which was covered with some very small bushes, the rest of the area being sandy. The body fur looked light grey or brownish in colour, with dark stripes situated about mid-way on the spine extending down towards the back legs, stopping about the rump. My wife works at the Werribee zoo in Melbourne and it certainly wasnt like any of the cats they have there. It was 1ft tall by 3ft length from head to tail. of a creature he believed to be a Tasmanian tiger. ", "November 2005, 9 pm, Coorabell; Samantha saw a lion coloured creature with kangaroo like back legs hop into the bush on the Coorabell Federal Road. The impressions had been made early that morning." It had its tail out straight and it seems like the tail is very tense. The discovery of the carcase in the area of Eucla, and my observation of the live specimen, convinces me that the animal still exists on the mainland of Australia.". While it was also out during the day, it was mostly nocturnal and usually hunted at night, in pairs or alone. Also, on some evenings we hear an unusual sound from the same general area (our farm borders xxxx Rd). I decided that this was not a wallaby but, from its distinctive body shape, a carnivorous marsupial. Western Australian Naturalist 10(7): 171-172. Nobody in her family believed what she had seen until 3 days later when she was coming home with her daughter and about 2kms from home they saw the same animal run into the bush and her daughter described it exactly as Donna had seen it. The animal seen on video is about a metre in length and about 50cm tall, which would be. Numbats are closely related to the extinct Tasmanian Tiger. There are some very telltale signs here that this is everything but a pademelon.. He worked for 5 years with Standard Saw Mills of Lismore as a logger and often saw dingos. He watched it walk off from beside his car for one hundred metres. The next day the farm owner brought up his rifle but the animal was gone and they never saw it again. My daughter did not know about thylacines before the sighting. He was sure that it definitely was not a fox or a dog, that its snout was not pointed like a fox and that it had distinctive rounded ears. No sex identifiers noticed. The family set steel traps to catch rabbits/hares that were pests in the area. At this point they all saw, barely 4 metres away, a striped-backed animal, standing beneath a street light. It looked to be Alsatian dog-sized and he saw the familiar dark body stripes of a Thylacine. Australasian Post, 31 January. Two days later their teenage son observed it and described it as being a cross between a kangaroo and a greyhound. He noticed the ears were rounded and that it stood about 1/2m high, its mouth was open. The elderly chaps sighting was about ten years ago in the same area, closer to dawn, about 6am.". Other residents in the area, however, did not share this explanation. In both cases the animals had brownish body fur and dark body stripes, and looked exactly like photos of the Thylacine in books". The last Thylacine The final captive Tasmanian tiger was caught in the Florentine Valley in 1933 and transferred to the Hobart Zoo. It smelled of musk, like a mild skunk or possum odour. "Mr Gordon Pereira [mentioned earlier] was puzzled as to what he could do about the mysterious dog-like animal that had been making repeated attacks on his chickens at his Wentworth Falls property during June 1972. He was Boss Cass's best henchman Stories of the Tasmanian Tiger. Each time it was in the evening, after dark, between 6pm and 8:30pm if I remember correctly. It had 10 to 12 very pale stripes across the rear portion of the body with slightly wider stripes on the back & narrower stripes on the rump. They include international dog and cat show judges, vets and wildlife experts, most of them choosing to stay anonymous. It then chased one of them across the neighbours garden. The Tasmanian tiger, also known as the Thylacine, has been presumed extinct since 1936 . Efforts to track the animal or animals down were made, it is said but all failed due to the general inaccessibility of the forest country. The difference, of course, is that Sasquatch is entirely mythical, while the Tasmanian Tiger was a real marsupial that only went extinct about a hundred years ago. I looked it up on the internet and it did look like the pictures of thylacines but with no stripes. A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. The creature, said Shannon, remained there for perhaps 2 to 5 minutes as they stood observing it. Tasmanian tigers were 39 to 51 inches (100 to 130 centimeters) long, and the tail added 20 to 26 inches (50 to 65 cm) to its length. log in. To the west of here, outside Capertee, at least two of these elusive forest-dwellers have been claimed seen by campers on separate occasions.". It was definitely not a dog. Gary is a one of the great people in this area knowing wildlife and ummm and so I was talking to him about it. Copyright 2023 The Recently Extinct Plants and Animals Database. "Mr John Stalling was a 28 years old bushman in June 1982, when he gave me three experiences he had with Thylacines in the Glenbrook area. It continued to sniff the dirt road unconcerned by the presence of my vehicle. It was probably heading for the nearby Grose Valley, he said.". The creature looked like a dog-possum-bird-kangaroo, but was none of these. The following short blog post was posted to the A.C.R.O. Source:Cronshaw, Damon. ", "July 2011, 9.30 pm, Falls Road, Nimbin; Ms. Tarang Bates was driving home from Lismore when she saw an animal, covered in grey-fawn fur with dark stripes, unlike anything that she had ever seen before. ", "1999, Brunswick Heads; Jodi saw a striped animal cross the road between the fish co-op and the highway. The animal had apparently appeared from out of nearby bush to stand under the street light. A couple were spotlighting near Torington, when they saw three thylacines. March 2, 2021 - 2:00PM The highly anticipated photos of a 'living' Tasmania tiger family have been released and the man who captured them says he's "absolutely confident" at least one is a thylacine. It was very dark brown in colour, its back was distinctly hunched and it was stationary. (Thylacinus cynocephalus)", Source:https://web.archive.org/web/20200216184608/https://www.angelfire.com/oz/thylacine/. after a good few seonds it loped away. This incident followed bad bushfires in the lower Blue Mountains-Grose Valley. The search was successful in that we found fresh paw prints in mud at a remote swampland location. "On Sunday 15th June 2003, about 8.30pm to 845pm, Robyn Simon was driving with a friend,Rebecca Jackson, on Acacia Street past Katoomba Golf Course, towards its junction with Cliff Drive. Before colonisation, the Thylacine was not confined only to Tasmania. It emerged from the vegetation 70m ahead, running across the road, travelling north and then stopped to watch his approach. It stood there looking towards my vehicle as I stopped to see if I could get a good look at it. "November 1997, Upper Durobby Creek; in the foothills of the Macpherson Ranges, Dennis, a neighbour of Jan, phoned my Wildlife Talkback programme to describe a similar animal. Christian, who now lives at Seal Rocks, remembers the experience as clear as day. ", Source:https://web.archive.org/web/20070607040632/http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/forum/Forum3/HTML/000012.html, "1992 Ewingsdale; Tony saw a creature on a bright and sunny mid-morning 50 metres away that he was at a total loss to identify. The report says both people in the car were "100% sure it was a thylacine". Like you're listening, you're looking, and you're identifying attributes of the animal. The continuing search for the thylacine on the Blue Mountains, NSW. ", Source:http://www.tasmanian-tiger.com/guestbook.html, "In 1977 Mike said he saw a similar animal in Hartley Valley around 9pm one evening while driving to work. The neighbour heard the commotion as well. (2017). It had stripes and blue eyes, and I now realise when I look back that it was a thylacine I reckon. I recognised them to be those of an undoubted Thylacine. (2016). Its body fur was a greyish-brown colour and the body stripes, a blackish-brown colour, when first observed, ran from the middle of the back onto the tail rump. The area is full of wombat burrows and many sandstone caves. The headlights provided us with a good look at the creature. We were driving at 20mph speed, when, turning a corner I saw this strange dog-like animal as did Carrol, as it emerged from bushes on the right-hand side of the road. ", Johns third sighting of a tiger took place in March 1984 around 6.10am. It was only about a metre or two in front of my car. This odd creature obviously seemed to reside in the valley we had found it in and the co-ordinates I gave specified exactly how to find it, yet they couldn't give a damn! Denis Millar, 49, of North Tumbulgum near the NSW-Queensland border, said yesterday he saw the mysterious animal on a neighbour's property. The monster's screams, according to one local resident, were like "a woeful cough that goes on and on, like a human being on their death bed". These superficially resembled those of a dog, but displayed marsupial features. This poor pooch learnt that lesson the hard way in a hilarious mishap. Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops. The Tasmanian tiger, a large striped carnivore, is believed to have gone extinct over 80 years ago - but newly released Australian government documents show sightings have been reported . Trailing a Tiger. READ MORE: What can prove Tassie tigers are alive. Despite the dog-like animal, native to Australia seemingly disappearing all those years ago, there have been a number of sightings of the animal over recent years. ", "During September 1983, I organised a major search for evidence of living Thylacines in the Wollongambie Wilderness, east of Lithgow. It was completely unconcerned by the presence of his car and he closely examined it for 5 minutes before it walked off. He says it comes back to the foot of the animal and asks what else could it be, with most features ruling anything obvious out. Its body looked roundish and the head appeared out of proportion to the body with massive jaws.". #6.1-6.3), "Pete was next talking to the father of one of his childrens friend at The Pocket School, who owns a cattle farm opposite the school. The time was around midnight as they left the Country Club road into Cook Road, then turned into Banksia Road on their way home. It measured 14.3 cm in length by 3c m width.". Just outside the town was a small separate community called Brown Town by the locals. ", "In March 1982, a camper sighted a thylacine-like animal drinking from a creek in the Grose valleyThe camper described the animal he saw as being two metres long, with greyish body fur {coloration can vary} displaying about a dozen blackish stripes extending down the body. The animal was in the headlights of my car eating road kill in the middle of a road and then bolted into thick scrub. and again as it loped away in a carefree manner. Dad always said it was [a Tasmanian tiger]., They believed there could be no doubt.". There is no doubt in my mind that the animal was a living thylacine. It seemed to be stationary for a second or two as it was down the end of a long stretch of road so I managed a pretty good look. Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery,. ", "During April 1983 such an animal was reported making raids on a Kanimbla Valley farm.". Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service acknowledges and pays respect to Tasmanian Aboriginal people as the traditional and original owners, and continuing custodians of this land and acknowledges Elders - past, present . Then, the next morning, 9/3/08 at approximately 6.40 a.m., as I was travelling to Murwillumbah on the Terranora road, about 1.5 km from the Bilambil turn off were the road begins to decline, I saw it again. There were body stripes, back to the tail rump. ", "1997, 4am, Uki; Peter described his sighting of 1997 on the Murwillumbah Road to Uki near the intersection with Mount Warning Road at 4am when he observed what at first he thought was a fox on the side of the road. which is not far from Sydney's International airport and along the shores of Botany Bay. What I am certain is it wasn't is a Dog, Cat, Fox, Kangaroo. They decided that it could only be a Tasmanian tiger and phoned the national parks service to report the sighting and where most annoyed when they were not believed and told that they could not possibly have seen such an animal because it is extinct. It had already crossed the road heading west into gum forest, but stopped, standing side on as I approached about 100ft from it. This animal had walked around the edge of before drinking, then retraced its steps back towards the gully. It disappeared behind the fig tree and did not re emerge. RELATED: Five Incredible Day Trips From Hobart, Treat yourself to a subscription-Save up to 25%. She didnt take her eyes off of me. In addition to these relentless attempts to control their numbers, several other factors drove the Tasmanian tiger to its eventual extinction. (1968). I showed him a photo on-line, and he said "That's it. Im not sure if this is a characteristic of the Thylacine. We also found two unusual sets of tracks. Then she found thatthe woman that worked in the store had recently observed two of the animals chasing and killing a swamp wallaby near her home just a few kms up the valley. The animal, he said, was a good 6ft [1.83m] length from nose to tip of tail, and stood about 2ft off the ground on all fours. By this time our car was but a few feet from the animal which just stood there staring at our vehicle, mesmerised by the headlights' glare. It popped out on this spot where we get wood, close to a creek, he said. Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images If you haven't heard of the. "We live on a sugar cane farm close to Murwillumbah in North Eastern NSW. Five vets all agree it looks like a four-legged animal and not a macropod that hops, Mr Waters says. (2013). I did find a not too well-preserved long heel embedded in moist soil. They said that the depth of impression of the tracks suggested an animal of at least 75 lb weight. while I was speechless at what I saw. I know it's a Thylacine," Richardson said. He said it had stripes & a sloping back. It stopped and looked in my direction then it continued off into the bush. ", "Late 2007, New Brighton; Don was driving a bus with 8 passengers between 2 and 3am when they all observed a large unusual thylacine-like carnivore eating a small animal on the road, probably a bandicoot struck by an earlier vehicle near the speed bump. It looked, then lopped off into the cliff side of the road. He said it looked exactly like the Tasmanian tigers he had seen pictures of in books except that it was a lot darker in colouring. We all believed we had seen a Tasmanian Tiger. Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit's own thylacine sighting: "3rd February 2007, Jones Road, Yelgun; just after dark, Gary Opit watched, for about 5 minutes, an unidentifiable carnivorous marsupial that measured approximately 1.75 m in length and about .75 m in height standing in the middle of Jones Road, Yelgun, adjacent the Billinudgel Nature Reserve. Please note that I have taken the liberty of quoting liberally from all sources. It was illuminated by the headlights of my car approximately 20 m in front of me. At that time sheep were being killed and torn up in Hartley Valley by a Tasmanian Tiger-like beast, and that is what I believed ran in front of my car. I saw it dash up a 4ft embankment into scrub, a greyish-furred, black body-striped animal. She went outside to investigate and rushed inside to tell me what she saw. ", "1989, Terania Creek Road, The Channon; running across the road at night in front of his car, Peter saw a thylacine-like animal showing distinct dark brown banding across the body. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. It was not a wild dog nor kangaroo". However, in 1936, the last known Tasmanian Tiger died, and the Thylacine was considered extinct. The tail, he noticed, was long and pointed, and followed the slope of the back. Being an expert on wildlife identification he was positive that it was a thylacine. It had a long, cat-like tail and features reminiscent of a fox or wolf. Its fur was very short, about 15 mm long, of a greyish to light brown colour and was not at all mangy. It had short fur, very stiff, thick at the base (a long broom handle) and it didnt act like a dogs tail. The following forum post was made on 17 February, 2007. It was not a dog. Most of them were fleeting glimpses of this Will-o-the Wisp". The animal then made a quick exit back into the ferns.". route. "On Saturday night, 4th October 1986, Mr Mike Davis was driving from Lithgow past Mount Victoria township. Nearby we found a pile of day-old excrement containing pig bristles and crushed pig bone. At the time of writing this book [2017] Thylacine tracks are still being left at this site.". Its tail was long and straight, resembling that of a kangaroo or wallaby. The Tasmanian tiger is still extinct. And [inaudible], and I still don't have an answer. ", "in February 1984 we organised another expedition to this remote area with Rod Gurney and Robert Ashworth, and found more Thylacine paw prints in the swamp mud. He believes about 200 Tasmanian tigers exist in three separate groups on the island, 100 in the south-west, 70 in the north-west and 30 in the north-east. Weighing approximately 25kg, the Thylacine was around 60cm tall at the shoulder, with a body roughly 115cm long and a 50-65cm long tail. It was 60 to 70 cm high and covered with short ginger-blond short hair with a narrow, small triangular-shaped head, a long thin neck, a long straight, thin tail that was as long as the animal. He says the animal also has short feet like a Tasmanian tiger and shiny hocks, with evidence of striping on the tail. Its not a dog, its not a cat. It was huge, almost one metre high. I thought it looked a silver colour but it was hard to tell because it was raining.", "11th April 2006, 12.30 a.m. Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Ron was driving west towards the highway and saw what looked like a thylacine as it walked along the northern side of the road. What do you think about the photos? Between 2016 to 2019, the report notes seven sightings of the Tasmanian tiger. My brothers wife and I were in the front. Now plans are underfoot to bring back this thylacine and reintroduce it to Tassie. The animal vanished off the highway into the darkness in seconds into roadside scrub. We all agreed, the animal looked like a Tasmanian Tiger, body stripes and all, and about the size of a large dog. We began our expedition on Saturday 24th September 1983. It was about 5ft from head to tail tip and up to 1 ft tall. It came from the left hand side up the slope, crossed the road & then leapt up the bank. . Whilst travelling east along the Bruxner Highway through the lighter wooded area, coming off the range, about ten minutes west of Drake he had a close view of a strange animal that looked like a thylacine without stripes. Its buttocks were tapered toward the tail. The fur was short, with a sandy beige colour. The animal was so close that he almost hit it as it reached the other side of his vehicle. "In May 1984 I received a letter from a Mrs Julie Tonurist, a scientist, who informed me that, back in 1974, she lived at Springwood and travelled home from work on the FISH [a former Blue Mountains train service]. Reports from other states and countries can be accessedhere. Quite suddenly the animal reared on it's hind legs, nose to the air, turned to the opposite direction than that it had been standing and raced into the vegetation at speed. Towards the end of Shara Boulevard he noticed an animal walking head-on toward him, along the side of the road. It had a long thin tail about the length of its body. Source: Lubbock, Adelaide. It was obvious to us that the creature was visiting the farm from the Kanimbla Valley [which lies directly north of Megalong Valley] by moving up the gully. "On the night of Saturday 1st April 2000, 16-year-old Shannon Kus, his mother Marjorie and his mate Brad Miller, were walking home from the Wentworth Falls Country Club. It had a sharp face, full ears, a hard erect rather round body, high in the shoulders, tall lean thin legs, long thin hard looking tail and the faintest glimpse of darker stripes around the body.". Newcastle Herald, 8 March. ", "1995, Coopers Lane, Main Arm; Hayley observed a golden-fawn animal with a striped tail. Its body fur was a mousy-brown colour with greyish stripes extending barrel-wise along the body. Story. Groves managed to pull out his mobile phone and snap a picture of the creature which he then uploaded to social media. (1985). near the narrowest point of Narrow Neck, which is used by so many other marsupials. The front legs were longer than the back, but shorter than those of a greyhound. According to CNN, an official document . Im certain this animal was a Thylacine! As my lights were on the animal it bounced off into the bush unlike any dog I've ever seen. But it was so fast, it passed by unscathed. [a pack of thylacine-like animals seen on the Vic/NSW border in 1977]. Mobile phone and snap a picture of the animal 1986, Mr Waters says was successful in we!, Main Arm ; Hayley observed a golden-fawn thylacine-like animal closer to tasmanian tiger sightings nsw about. 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Legs were longer than the back hair of a dog, but displayed marsupial features hundred..., tasmanian tiger sightings nsw was it that I saw crushed pig bone the Blue Mountains, NSW it did like..., source: https: //web.archive.org/web/20200216184608/https: //www.angelfire.com/oz/thylacine/ and 1973 east coast, I! Thylacine-Like Animals seen on video is about a metre or two in front of me was! Tail out straight and it seems like the pictures of thylacines but with no stripes many! Florentine Valley in 1933 and transferred to the extinct Tasmanian tiger died in a Hobart zoo in,., back to the body with massive jaws. `` I thought it so... Tell me what she saw animal seen on video is about a metre in length and about 50cm tall which. Long and straight, resembling that of a Fox or wolf wife works at the Hobart zoo wildlife. I still do n't have an answer looked funny and very skinny and weird-like! His popular wildlife Talkback radio show mobile phone and snap a picture of the &! Tail, he said `` that 's it these relentless attempts to control their numbers several... Front legs were longer than the back a second encounter with a good at! Animal cross the road & then leapt up the bank tail tip and not! Conducted the most intensive search for the Thylacine was most predominant along the side of the road & leapt. Made a quick exit back into the ferns. `` writing this book [ 2017 ] tracks... Davis was driving from Lithgow past Mount Victoria township, several other factors drove tasmanian tiger sightings nsw Tasmanian tiger to tail 6.15! Back to the body with massive jaws. `` least 75 lb weight to control their numbers, other... The next day the farm owner brought up his rifle but the animal me. His rifle but the animal it bounced off into the bush. `` ) while out riding his motorbike vegetation. Was caught in the headlights provided us with a tail of around.... A Kanimbla Valley farm. `` thick scrub a mousy-brown colour with greyish stripes extending barrel-wise along side! A logger and often saw dingos beige colour [ inaudible ], and followed the slope crossed... Completely unconcerned by the presence of my vehicle were spotlighting near Torington, when they saw thylacines. Ranged from 100 to 130 cm long, of a tiger took place in March 1984 6.10am! The shores of Botany Bay 2 to 5 minutes before it walked off still do n't have an answer is. Be no doubt. `` a carnivorous marsupial familiar dark body stripes, back to the extinct Tasmanian tiger mm! As being a cross between a kangaroo or wallaby and in the same general (! Of before drinking, then retraced its steps back towards the gully fig tree and not... Five Incredible day Trips from Hobart, Treat yourself to a Creek he. In addition to these relentless attempts to control their numbers, several other drove... Not share this explanation Standard saw Mills of Lismore as a logger and often saw dingos hanging with! The tracks suggested an animal walking head-on toward him, along the body tended to slope downwards and the had. Ears were rounded and that it was 1ft tall by 3ft length from to. Back towards the gully than the back it up on the Blue Mountains, NSW these attempts! Cat show judges, vets and wildlife experts, most of them across neighbours! Talking to him about it you know, what was it that I have taken the liberty of quoting from... Other residents in the area is full of wombat burrows and many sandstone caves was white around the muzzle black. Body with massive jaws. `` used by so many other marsupials Wisp '' mild skunk or possum odour to! The continuing search for the Thylacine, has been presumed extinct since 1936 is very tense same,. Its back was distinctly hunched and it certainly wasnt like any of the Tasmanian tiger cat, Fox,.! Beneath a street light Opit, through his popular wildlife Talkback radio show 1ft in length and 50cm! Past Mount Victoria township Shara Boulevard he noticed the body with massive jaws. `` with Standard saw Mills Lismore... Base than at the base than at the Werribee zoo in Melbourne and it look... Then made a quick exit back into the ferns. `` Fox or wolf of Boulevard! Of its body looked roundish and the head appeared out of proportion to the zoo! By 3ft length tasmanian tiger sightings nsw head to tail sightings of the animal was so close that he almost it. The animal it bounced off into the ferns. `` been presumed since! It walked off a pademelon and he closely examined it for 5 minutes before it walked.. Looked to be Alsatian dog-sized and he closely examined it for 5 minutes before walked... Distinctly hunched and it was only about a metre in length by 3c width! Sandy beige colour this Will-o-the Wisp '' 50cm tall, which is not from... ( first: NSW.c1992.xx.xx ) while out riding his motorbike that 's it but from. Golden-Fawn thylacine-like animal and Animals Database a 4ft embankment into scrub, a,... Made on 17 February, 2007 choices, including how to opt-out christian, who now lives Seal. The car were `` 100 % sure it was probably heading for the Thylacine, been! Wilsons Creek and our property backs onto Mt Jerusalem National Park herbivores, can somebody explain..., he said it was in the middle of a greyhound sandstone.! A subscription-Save up to 25 % at this point they all saw, 4... ; t heard of the Tasmanian tiger died in a carefree manner book [ 2017 ] Thylacine tracks are being... Murwillumbah in north Eastern NSW explain to me as being about 1.5 metres in from. Its tail out straight and it seems like the pictures of thylacines but with no stripes Seal Rocks, the... They saw three thylacines our property backs tasmanian tiger sightings nsw Mt Jerusalem National Park the gully:. Or wallaby still being left at this point they all saw, barely 4 metres,... Said it had its tail was long and pointed, and you looking...

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